Cori Bush talks about the time when she was R*ped AT THE Ab*rtion Clinic??!! You won't BELIEVE this!

vin and sori break down the latest!!


6 thoughts on “Cori Bush talks about the time when she was R*ped AT THE Ab*rtion Clinic??!! You won't BELIEVE this!”

  1. Hello Vin.. Great points but as a man I can’t comment even if it’s half mine. As an atheist, I can’t get this passionate about the subject.
    Good luck with lucky number 7 and best wishes and fortune.

  2. A toxic society. Driven by toxic people. Seeds planted long ago I suppose. White liberals? Rich Elites? Give a man a fish and he'll eat for a day. Teach him to fish and he'll eat for the rest of his life. These toxic people might say that well, SOME folks are too dumb to fish for for themselves. Why even try to teach them? Better we feed them. If everyone learns to fish there won't be any fish left! Specifically for us educated and superior types. This applies to all things concerning them. Their toxic morality. War, money and power as their religion. Toxic views on free speech. Lies and propaganda that only toxic people would spew. All delivered with that clown like, condescending smile. You need us. We feed you. You're too dumb, too weak now to survive without us.

  3. Vin is very focused on the word child in this debate.
    So let's treat a embryo or a featus as a human child, remove it from the woman and let it live in the world, not sure how many milliseconds of life that gives it but this is what pro lifers want right?
    Regarding the case of practitioners not listening to the patient I would say that should be prosecuted and they should loose their licence to practice anything in the medical field.


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