Copy War Thunder (and Highfleet) for realistic flight | Star Citizen

In this video I would like to explore the possibilities of realistic flight in Star Citizen. For high altitude atmospheric flight ships should fall out of the sky like a rock with the pilot carefully managing thrust to slow the fall.

And once close to the ground, ship behaviour should be similar to real life helicopters. For the first point the game Highfleet offers a great template in its landing minigame. For the second point War Thunder has great helicopter flight physics while remaining playable with mouse and keyboard.

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8 thoughts on “Copy War Thunder (and Highfleet) for realistic flight | Star Citizen”

  1. This has bothered be for a while. Seeing a bunch of ships loitering over a camp site and moving like there a camera in g-mod always takes it out for me. Its even worse when its its like a fighter hovering with its nose pointed straight down as it shoots at something. I enjoy your star citizen content. Keep having fun and doing what you enjoy.

  2. I've put of buying S.C until its closer to launch. But how will it handle losing your ship? If the flight controls are too difficult and lots of people will crash constantly how will that play out? I am afraid they will either make crashing not feel punishing enough or try to simplify flight in order to prevent ur average joe from constantly crashing??

  3. I agree with the main message about the SC flight model and hovering. But the landing gear issue feels a bit missrepresented, since the landing gear down position now initiates a proto-hover mode in which the vertical thruster decoupled mode gets suspended. So the reason you 'magically' stop falling is in fact the thrusters underneath your ship doing the work (as overpowered as they may be at the moment, we completely agree there). Again, I really wish they return to modeling a nice feeling hover mode! Landings are one of the coolest feeling sci fi tropes, from star wars to harder sci fi alike.

  4. Or dive like you are hunted by high-tech enemies from the future (you are) and drop from 200 to 10 kmph within a single 5-second fishhook maneuver as if you couldn't spare a minute (you can't).
    Haven't seen such a decent in a year, and I play helis almost daily.

    But yes: War Thunder nails an easy to learn hard to master control scheme that also is super accessible, thanks to mouse and keyboard support. Speed being something that you don't really control but that "happens" to your vehicle is an excellent tool to flesh out a flight, while keeping it intuitive.

  5. I think everyone wants ships is SC to not be able to just hover and rotate in 6dof while under high gravity but these are also sci-fi propelled thrusters so your argument of ships falling at high altitude is actually opposite for how they should handle in SC. Right now there is the beginnings of Aerodynamics in SC and hopefully we will get better systems for that in the future that will actually affect ships based on air pressure along their flight surfaces.


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