cooking with ron 6

Ron from the popular video game friday night funkin talks about sandwiches, after his detailed explanation about what to typically put on a sandwich, he is stopped by Little Man who explains to him that he missed a core ingredient of a sandwich, the bread. And Ron dose what you always expect him to do, go off the rails.

It’s been awhile since i’ve made a new instalment into the cooking with ron series, mainly because I wanted to focus on more original animations instead of just pumping out another sequel, and I think that decision was definitely worth it, as I have plenty of new ideas that i’m excited to animate. As for this animation, i just wanted to make something funny, but instead of using Bob, I used Little Man, which i think was a great change of pace

Thanks again to all of the wonderful people who take inspiration from or re-animate my videos, it always warms my heart knowing that people take inspiration from me, and it always makes my day, expect more animations in the future!

Bob mod:

#fnf #animation #meme


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