Conservatives Are Mad About THIS????

New conservative culture war just dropped, gas stoves are about to be banned (not really) and conservatives cannot handle it

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25 thoughts on “Conservatives Are Mad About THIS????”

  1. I suffered in my childhood due to gas heating. I always had agitated sinuses from it and regularly got sinus infections. I'm also immunosupressed so I doubt that helped. I wouldn't wish it on anyone to have to live half their childhood with a head full of snot. Ever since I've lived in a house with electric heating…I've been fine. It's ridiculous how stupid Republicans and capitalists make everyone so that they can continue to profit despite the obvious health issues that plagued many thousands of people

  2. My grandmother remodeled her kitchen long before I could form memories, and I recently found out a couple years ago, the electric stove she has will not heat up if a metal pan is not touching it. It won't heat up for skin. And I thought that was a very cool safety feature and a very subtle action of love.

  3. its expensive to replace. im a first time homeowner whos house needs actual fixes and now i may need a new stove its just unfortunate that another week of my pay is gonna go to replace something that temporarily works. i just dont have enough money

  4. People look for apartments with electric stoves because sometimes it’s economically more convenient. The people that actually do worry about this sometimes are just looking to save some money. I can see how rich people could over look this, they don’t live paycheck to paycheck worried about how they will pay the bills. This includes politicians who refuse to raise the minimum wage.

  5. On the whole gas stove thing, as a cook gas stoves are awesome because fire is hot and heats up pans really fast. But it has alot of cons too, so it's not really and end all be all sort of deal. I'm in the kitchen alot so I certainly would think about what kind I'd want as a home owner 😅

  6. Okay i have to say, this is Hasan's 2nd worst take in my opinion.

    First one was he was streaming tv shows for free on his channel, not realizing the entire other side of content creators who need those laws for them to be able to have a platform to use and succeed on because it had/has a detramental effect on youtubers themselves, and anime studios/etc.

    The second one is with how much detail and thought he goes into thousands of systematical issues, his insanely good and well thought out to the best of his ability with how and what he does is insanely immpressive while streaming for as long as he does. But when it comes to blaming the gonverment that they didnt think of replacing your gas stove in a house YOU bought, knowing all the downsides using a gas stove, how unhealthy it is and the worst case scenrios like your home blowing up because you were to niave to check the gas pipe and now your house explodes. Its the same as not taking personal responsibility for your own shit. Quit being niave about things you can cleary understand how to make better. Same as being too niave to think of switching to an electric stove in the first place, plenty of upsides too one too. You said gas stoves were better but yours is shit. Which is why imo they are shit. They always have issues. Every other appliance plugs into the wall, why not the stove and not risk your life of long term health hazards. Its just being that miave towards such small stuff than blaming the gonverment to have more control of your decision making is insane and hypocritcal. Idk man. Unless you explained it poorly or I misunderstood your point. I think this was a very stupid take.

    I really do love most your takes, vut this was just stupid as hell. Blaming the gonverment for not telling you to switch to electric is so dumb and very hypocritcal from the person who promotes making better life choices and a better local ecosphere for people. For someome who promotes logic, self responsibilty, and taking personal accountability for themselves. This just seems hella stupid man.

    If you BUY A HOME, YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR EVERYTHING AND EVERY INCH OF YOUR HOME. YOU. So blaming the gonverment for not reminding you of your own shit you were too lazy to do a simple google search is insane too me man. Be better bro. I can debate all day about any topic and Im sure we would agree 98% of the time. But your 2% is such a niave point of view on some stuff and it just makes me think for just a second that you might be as dumb as some trumpies. But like its only for the smallest shit. Its so weird. Its not a personal thing or what, like there ars legitment progressive reasons for shit you diagree with. Its just weird. And some stuff can hurt the community more than you think. Like sith the stealing tv content stuff, yes copyrighr gets abused but the system itself is used for plenty of good too if you knew anything about the youtube content sphere and all the lawsuits that has happened even with Ethan on h3h3. Like just dont be so niave with the dumbest shit. Keep your open mind in all aspects, not just career boosting ones.

  7. Hasan's insistence on them having any other reason for Republicans liking this except for the fact biden did it is hilarious. It's hard to accept that the big bad Republicans aren't competent

  8. Just realized my brother has asthma and we have a gas stove, I was fighting for the gas stove before I realized that because it feels so much better than an electric but maybe I should consider switching for him…

  9. 12:10 Reminds me of the "Defund the Police" narrative.
    Democrats caved on it so fast and now MORE funding is being given to the police agencies because Republicans pushed the narrative that "They want to abolish the police".
    They're comin for your stoves today, tomorrow they're coming for your guns.

  10. The only thing I think gas does better is wok. With a gas stove you can use a round bottom wok and the heat will spread up the sides for a better heat distribution. You can use a solid steele flat bottom wok with induction but it's not as good. Otherwise induction wins hands down. Also: Europeans using gas are dependent on Russian gas.

  11. I can't believe this is a hill they want to die on. Talk about not just being out of touch but being an elitist. The evidence is there that most of these Republicans don't even use the fucking gas stoves. They just want something to feel superior about


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