No Man's Sky News New Decal – Quicksilver Store Next Items – Update Speculation – Switch Crashes NMS

No Man’s Sky is an action-adventure survival game played from a first or third person perspective that allows players to engage in five principal activities: exploration, survival, combat, trading and base building. The player takes the role of a specimen of alien humanoid planetary explorer, known in-game as the Traveller, in an uncharted universe. They start on a randomized planet near a crashed spacecraft towards the edge of the galaxy and are equipped with a survival exosuit with a jetpack, and a “multitool” that can be used to scan, mine and collect resources as well as to attack or defend oneself from creatures and hostile forces. The player can collect, repair, and refuel the craft, allowing them to travel about the planet, between other planets and space stations in the local planetary system, engage in space combat with alien factions, or make hyperspace jumps to other star systems. While the game is open-ended, the player may follow the guidance of the entity known as The Atlas to head toward the centre of the galaxy.
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19 thoughts on “No Man's Sky News New Decal – Quicksilver Store Next Items – Update Speculation – Switch Crashes NMS”

  1. Switch lag : Try this – When the game starts getting laggy, land, save game then exit to main menu. Reload save.
    This should clear some ram and stop some of the lag. Might not cure it, but worth a try/

  2. I would rate NMS in the 90’s, there are few games I have given so much time to, I love the community around it, I love that it stays exciting, delivers everything I want from a space game, I would still like to see a more populated universe in terms of bases etc., and always hope for more base parts (I love building gardens!), but I’m totally blown away by all the love that goes in to it!

  3. Waypoint really irritated me when it first dropped. It ruined all the work I'd put into upgrading all my ships. But after figuring out the supercharged slots I see now that it added an interesting new dimension to the game. I would rate NMS now as close to 100%. I only wish we had some minor bug issues resolved — better menu interaction and a move away from swapping the current mission(s) without our consent.

  4. the Quicksilver rewards are the biggest pile of shite iv ever seen in any game, they are punishment's and insult's, not rewards. if NMS Wasnt so tedious it would be an easy 80% + but it's got too many tedious systems and tedious gameplay features

  5. NMS is still my favorite game after 2 years and over 4000 hours. 11 PS4/PS5 saves and I just moved to PC. Hoping we get the 4th arc in this story line. Waypoint was a mess for me. I spent 2 weeks prepping ships and freighters before I even downloaded it. I really love all the inventory we have now. I can't wait to see what's next.

  6. I have been playing NMS for over a year now, well over a thousand hours and it's hands down best game since Skyrim (Elder Scrolls)- and best community of any game ever!!! I just wish they would do a replay of all the early expeditions, I need a Golden Vector and Normandy.

  7. I love that HG put in options to modify the game difficulty. It definitely didn't go as planned at first, and I felt bad for the backlash HG was getting.. people were going over the top for sure. But ultimately it made the game much more enjoyable for myself.. I've decreased my biggest annoyances (sentinels and pirates), made crafting cheaper, and left everything else default. I spend hours in the game at a time again.

  8. I bought it at launch and shelved it and forgot alll about it until around about 3 months ago. So I returned to the game in its current state from day one. I was blown away. It should be rated now in the high 80’s. The one thing for me that would push it to the upper 90’s and make it almost a staple classic is some mode, game feature or whatever we want to call it that has the infinite replay ability for people who crave more than ship hunting or planet scanning. Something that gives purpose to continual improvement. Rare items that can be traded – building a player economy, some form of raids like Warcraft Where rare items and grinding would reap rewards (just as an example)

  9. I think 75 out of 100 is a great assessment.

    The reason I dock it any points at all is because the performance and stability is still really bad and it's reaching a point where I want them to stop adding things and stablilize the game. There are some obvious memory leaks related to base building and trying to be even remotely efficient with your distribution of various bases is guaranteed to eventually crash your game as you warp between them. If you manufacture any goods that require more than one base you need to collect your items and restart the game before you sell them because the game WILL eventually crash if you have visited multiple bases in one session.

    It's not fair to give the player all these options if the game cannot handle them. I said this with NEXT and I will continue saying it until they dedicate an entire major update just to optimization. So many of the features clearly stress the engine to it's limit by just using them normally and, once you get 100 hours in, the things you want to do start becoming a risk for a crash.
    Not to mention the number of bizarre bugs that have been ignored for years. It's hard to recommend a game that neglects something as serious as trees not appearing for minutes at a time until one traps your ship and starts destroying it with no choice but to reload your save.
    There's also the massive number of bugs related to terrain manipulation that have gone untouched.

    Lastly, Hello Games need to figure out a way to present some vague idea of how they are going to wrap up production or if they ever will.
    The fact this game keeps getting massive updates that harshly decrease stability has directly driven players away under the rational reasoning that "It's clearly not done yet and I'll wait until it's stable". One large streamer named Vinesauce even expressed his frustration and disappointment at the stability by explaining that it has so much going on and so many great features but the game just doesn't work right with so many situations.

    Hello Games have done something truly great with the recovery of No Man's Sky but they need to sit down and finish this game. It needs better performance and more stability very badly and they need to tell us how long this instability and is to be expected. It seems like every major update they have released has had some kind of game breaking bug that requires an obtuse solution to fix and they need to start understanding that "support" for a game does not mean filling it with half-finished code.

    If they optimized the game and made customization for ships more consistent with the rest of the game then it would easily be in the 90s for me.

    But right now they really need to stabilize the code. There are days where I am really sad about what I am looking at on the screen. It could be so much more if they just relaxed for a year and worked only on stability. It baffles me how they can get the game running on a Switch but they can't let the PS4 have more than 15 FPS at a settlement.

    It needs stability, not more features. I consider it the most critical thing No Man's Sky needs right now.
    They need to slow down and patch up the sails before they rip clean off. It's hurting the success of the game and after all Hello Games has done, we need to be responsible enough to tell them that. This is a delicate time where the community is seeing record growth and we owe it to Hello Games to not let this stuff slide. Instability is a serious aspect of playing a game and it is losing them new fans when they continue to neglect it like they do. I have even had to take a hiatus from playing it in the past because it was just unplayably buggy.

    To Summarize:
    No Man's Sky needs performance and stability updates very badly and Hello Games needs to communicate on what they are actually doing more. It's fair for them to be afraid of hype but their total silence on what they are planning is losing people that could provide support for the game.

    I love No Man's Sky. I really do. But it still needs work before I can tell most people to check it out and that really hurts to say because I know exactly how much Hello Games has put into it. They need to shift priorities to stability and bug smashing ASAP.

  10. I have hated no man's sky off and on for 6-7 yrs. I don't expect much more out of the game since I refuse to buy a PS5 and the game has grown old and boring. It would take a serious update to drag me back to playing it. Overall, it has made up for its broken beginnings so I'll give it some credit. No thanks to you dear Capt. I now play Starfield after watching you play it. I like the game but I hate the Google eyed, turn your back on me when I'm talking to you bugs. Stay cool Capt. Steve I'll see you in the next video.

  11. Hello Hello Captain of the Steve’s. Another fantastic informative video. I bought the new recent decal hoping that I didn’t get a duplicate. The new items look awesome. Have a great and wondrous day.


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