Conquering the Abbasids as Iceland in One Lifetime – Crusader Kings 3 Viewer Runs

Iceland is a land of volcanoes and isolation. It’s a cold place, but underneath its cold is the heat of geothermal energy. Indeed, an inherent paradox. There’s another place across the seas full of heat, Arabia, and Iceland has to reclaim its place as the true FIRE NATION of Earth.

This is the logic of my chatter, TerrahKitsune, who suggested I do this challenge run to play as Iceland and conquer the Abbasids under the justification of being the one true fire nation. This is something of a challenge run and speedrun where I take my viewers ideas, and do them as quickly as possible like a true gigachad.

If you’re interested in submitting runs, join the Twitch stream, and get 5000 channel points (you earn them by just watching, so it’s free) and then offer up your idea. If I like it, I do it. If I don’t like it, I refund it, so you get your points back. If I successfully complete your challenge, it gets turned into a YouTube video like this one, and if I fail, I refund your points anyway, so it’s pretty much win-win.

Check out my Twitch and Discord (and My Patreon but I don’t put much up there so wouldn’t recommend):


Besides that, I hope you enjoy the video! Here are the timestamps, and music in the video:

Intro: 0:00
Icelandic Raids and Unification: 0:58
Forging an Identity and a Kingdom: 4:24
The True Fire Nation: 8:57

Flawless Theory – Endless Space 2 OST
Picture in Motion – Waveshaper (Furi OST)
The Empire Strikes – Red Alert 3 OST
Tropic of Capricorn – Risk of Rain OST


16 thoughts on “Conquering the Abbasids as Iceland in One Lifetime – Crusader Kings 3 Viewer Runs”

  1. Abbasids being the fire nation is weird given that fire nation in avatar was heavily based on imperial Japan. You know an island nation experiencing an economic boom before the war and then using that prosperity as an internal justification they are better than other asians. Granted there obviously is I Japan in ck3.

  2. hi Tarkus! Loved your video! I have an idea for a CK3 campaign+roleplay, but since Tours & Tournments launched my computer isn't able to run the game anymore, so I'm sharing with you: Create a pirate Saharan kingdom, with a army focused in camel riders. You start in the desert and go raiding your neighbours, maybe raiding in Europe later, or battling really big empires like the Abbasid or Byzantine to see how efficient you can get these beefy camels!
    You can add more flavor to this run by enabling female knights, or merging with the Norse culture to make it more fun.
    If you want to make an customized character, you can go with this origin I came up with: The Vandals, a germanic/scandinavian people dominated the northern Africa during the Roman Empire crisis and later were wiped out by the Byzantines, but a small and remote part of the barbarian kingdom wasn't destroyed and lived to see the Middle Ages.
    I hope you find it fun to do this run ! I'd love to see you play and comment this idea. Feel free to change or add as you please to enhance the fun factor ! I think the worst part would be just start to develop the oasis in the early game.

  3. I was playing a Poland run recently and was descended from Saga Truthspeaker so occasionally I would check in on how England is doing. Jorvik was expanding a lot more than normal so I was excited to see the AI form the Danelaw for the first time and at one point I panned over and saw a Kingdom of Wessex and was so happy cause I figured they partitioned it. Then I saw that it was custom kingdom and Jorvik was splintered among like 4 different duchies and was so dissapointed.

  4. Elder kings 2 Legacy of Darloc Brae: start as the queen of Ne-Quin-Al (Annequina) in either start date conquer all land that is considered native for annequinans (the nativity regions of annequina and reapers march) and either be ruler of elsweyr or form a custom empire consisting of Rimmen, Orchaj, Riverhold, Dune, and Arenthia and be of the mehrunes dagon cult. Also maybe have a 30 development capitol of either the castle of rimmen, orchaj or ne-quin-al. (Might need an additional mod to form custom nations)


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