Come Follow Me – Feb. 27-March 5 – Live Hello Saints

Pastor Jeff is now doing occasional ‘Come Follow Me’ livestreams. This year, the Latter-day Saint Church is reading through the New Testament.

In this video, we will focus on Matthew 8; Mark 2–4; Luke 7.

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Hello Saints! My name is Jeff McCullough and I’m a Christian Pastor.
This channel is devoted to fighting criticism with curiosity as I invite dialogue between Christians and Latter-day Saints. Are Mormons christians? What do christians and Latter-day Saints agree and disagree about? Join me as I compare and contrast the lifestyle, culture and beliefs of Mormonism and the rest of the Christian community.

If you enjoyed this video, you might enjoy other videos he has made visiting Mormon sites:

#LatterDaySaints #ComeFollowMe #mormonism


36 thoughts on “Come Follow Me – Feb. 27-March 5 – Live Hello Saints”

  1. …loved your insight about the Synoptic Gospels. I think a lot of LDS feel your explanation is justification for the many 1st vision accounts about Joseph Smith seeing God and Jesus

  2. God didn't have a very good plan for presenting the gospel. We don't have a Gospel of Peter or of Jesus. We have these anonymous stories about Jesus with no way to confirm anything he said. That's a fatal flaw of Christianity. It's all based on hearsay and myths. God communicated inadequately with us, if he communicated at all.

  3. Greetings from Belgium- pastor Jeff you are opening previously unopened doors for conversions between two groups who are devoted to learning more about our Savior- keep these coming

  4. Interfaith study guests would be so cool.

    Thank you so much for inviting all who believe and love our Lord, Jesus Christ and to study His life and teachings.

    Your mission is a uniting mission. What would the world look like if we could all come together to learn from each other about Christ?!
    Keep up the good work!

  5. Before Jesus was tempted in the wilderness by Satan. He had already spent 40 days praying and talking to His Father. And so there was no way that Satan could tempt him at that point

  6. “In General Conference, Elder McConkie was speaking my worship service love language?” I love everything about that sentence, from the quoting of a general Conference to the idea of a spiritual love language. 💕

  7. Pastor Jeff when attending GC, was there something you were looking for beforehand? We know that God knows the heart and will provide answers. The Prophets of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints tell us when we attend or watch GC come with a question and then watch and listen for the answers. After your mention of Elder McConkie's presentation I relistened to it and for myself it sounded much like all the other presenters of that weekend, but for you it stood out. I wonder if what was in your heart was that you'd hope to find something relatable or something else and it seems from your testimony God provided the answer through Elder McConkie's message.

  8. Your presentation of Come Follow Me is different as it should be as you are an Evangelical pastor. Just a suggestion and I know your a busy man and know members keep harping for you to listen to a podcast from scholars from The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. You will see how the Church scholars see these same scriptures in a different light at times, but do so after you prepared your videos. My suggestion is Follow Him w/ Hank Smith and John Bytheway and their guest for the week. It's always in two parts usually around and hour each.

  9. With regards to works, when you are sick or alone, do you want to suffer alone? Do you want someone to reach out with a genuine care for your needs? What is works? We love because he first loved us? I think as humans we could all agree, don't you? Love you all.💕

  10. I’ve been struggling to get into Come Follow Me this year. These two live streams have helped! I come curious to hear a different perspective and it’s helping me get out of my routine and pull some different things out of the scriptures. Thanks!

  11. I'm coming to the party a little late, but to answer your question about where we stand on demonic possession and its relation to illness: While it is clear that the Bible and the Book of Mormon speak of times when demonic possession did happen and Jesus did cast out devils while he walked on earth (legitimate angles of the devil who spoke to Christ prior to being cast out), we don't look to every illness or infirmity as a result of possession or even a consequence of sin.
    King Benjamin, who lived over a hundred years before Christ walked the earth, specifically mentioned that an angel of the Lord claimed that he would "…go forth amongst men working mighty miracles such as healing the sick, raising the dead, causing the lame to walk, the blind to receive their sight, and the deaf to hear and curing all manner of diseases. And he shall cast out devils, or the evil spirits which dwell in the hearts of the children of men." (Mosiah 3: 5-6) As you can see from this, both physical and spiritual infirmities were (to be) cured by the Master Physician. While all things have a spiritual message to them, many of these infirmities were specifically separated from the times he cast out devils. So… #NotAllSicknesses
    I would recommend reacting to Alma chapters 1-41 and then a different reaction to Alma 42-66. I suggest this mostly because that is where the generations diverge and that second part of Alma is really a different story.

  12. Jesus is the Creator of worlds without end, all of them, all in all. Without beginning and without end for it pleased the Father that in Him should all the fullness dwell. Yes sir, Jesus is not organized intelligence but God, without beginning of days or end of years, outside of time. Colossians 1:16–18 (NKJV): 16 "For by Him all things were created that are in heaven and that are on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or principalities or powers. All things were created through Him and for Him. 17 And He is before all things, and in Him all things consist. 18 And He is the head of the body, the church, who is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead, that in all things He may have the preeminence.", that's Him, Yeshua Hamashiach! Not just some piece of spiritual dna organized from intelligence. What an insult that would be to the Eternal Glory of the name of Jesus. Only Lucifer would have you believe Jesus is just organized intelligencia, a lie from the pit of Hell spawned by Satan himself. Praise be to Yeshua, Yahweh and the Holy Spirit!

  13. 1:12:12 difference between evangelical and LDS repentance is that it’s only CHRIST who is between you & the Father and offering forgiveness! Which has already been given to us on the cross ❤ in Mormonism, there are middle men (bishops, stake presidents) who deem you “worthy” or “forgiven” or “clean” after you’ve confessed to them & done works to earn worthiness. And they even punish you by taking away the sacrament (the thing that’s supposed to cleanse you), or your temple recommend, or putting you on probation and prohibiting you from praying in public or giving talks etc. It’s so sad! And breeds so much shame. No man is that powerful or in authority to do that besides Jesus! 🙌🏼

  14. Thank you Pastor Jeff 💗 I respect what you are doing here so very much. It’s a joy to come together and learn from each other as friends. Someone else already said it here, I believe Rob from Layton, It is our love for Jesus that ultimately saves us ❤ and because we love Jesus we not only want to be saved by His grace but changed by His grace. We “practice” following Jesus and repent often as a result. But in doing this that we find peace and happiness. So glad I found your channel!! -Annie K, Omaha NE

  15. Someone said you sound like you’re teaching an LDS Sunday school lesson… well unfortuantely not my Sunday school. IMO, the LDS faith overlooks the mercy, kindness, and individual relationship we can have with Jesus and rather we must lean on appointed leaders for passage to our Savior (ie worthiness interviews etc.). The insight and perspetive you’re sharing is helping me draw more from the Bible than I ever have. I’m moving closer to and increase dependance on our Savior Jesus!!! Thank you! 🙏

  16. I missed the livestream, but just saw it, and I enjoyed it. Thank you. Sounded familiar.😊😉
    I look forward to your videos. I’m gonna go look to see how you felt about attending one of our sacrament meetings right now. Hope you liked attending.

  17. As a member of the LDS faith, I am impressed with your desire to bring all Christians together in the unity of Jesus Christ as I believe this is the Lord’s desire for us to come together in a “unity of faith” as spoken of in Ephesians. After all, we are all God’s children and he loves all of us equally! Thanks for your respectful way of doing this so that His word, love, and light can be spread to so many in a marvelous way! 😊


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