[CoH3][WM v UKF] Propagandacast #55 Charlotte v Dire

A 1v1 on Twin Beaches between Breakthrough and Indian Artillery. An Intense battle filled with Armoured assaults, fierce …


18 thoughts on “[CoH3][WM v UKF] Propagandacast #55 Charlotte v Dire”

  1. I felt like the Stug is too powerful in a silly way. Basically the Stug can turn it's entire hull as fast as P4's turret speed, making it impossible to flank it without ability like seek n destroy plus it still facing it's front armor at the same time. And of course I'm not a big fan of the point blank ability not because it's too powerful (though kinda partly since it turn it's hull so fast that wiping retreating squad is so good for Stug), because logically even in game it should been HE ability like the Sherman have, Stug have to like point it's main gun right in enemy inf face to shoot HE just feels too out of place for me. Still like this game, just some aspect that relic took the odd path that just annoys me a lot, great cast Dane.

  2. Today Cast Summary: real proper English gentlemen take on brigades of stugs backed up by heavier armor only with at rifles, zooks and AT guns. Now please scream quieter about your leg, I'm trying to enjoy my tea here.

  3. Dane I joined your patreon to support you, thanks for what you do. You ARE company of heroes. It's always nice to see you in the AE chat.

    I just played COH1 after 70 or so hours of COH3 and HOLY shit even though the balance is awful, COH3's controls and systems are really polished for the core game.

    I encountered all the things I hated about COH1, the M10 misfire, units will lock up on retreat if they're red suppressed, support weapons can't be repaired, brittle sandbags/wire, the mines are nuclear weapons esp the greyhound's, and all the goofy vet stuff for panzer elite not working properly, holy moly for people saying COH3 is flawed they don't remember the best game in the series being left flawed lol

  4. Tiger 131 was disabled by otherwise ineffective solid shot from the 6pdr, most Tigers engaged in tank on tank warfare were disabled 75mm Sherman shells. It seems hard to believe, but thats just what happened. Spall, blowing out the welds, de-tracking, blowing the turret ring, disabling electronics, sights, hydraulics, periscopes plus late-war german tankers had a tendency to bail, early into a fight when they saw they weren't going to make it out. (for example in Cologne they literally destroyed the bridges leaving the Panther and P4 stranded). Despite never being penetrated via the front glacis the Tiger II, Ferds, JPanther, and JTiger crews pretty much bailed before the mechanical breakdowns were a thing because of the hopelessness of the situation. That and HE shells end up being much more dangerous than you'd think to these vehicles. The hatches and optics on these tanks are pretty much only as strong as the fasteners holding them on for however thick they are.

    Theres also that Tiger II that was disabled by the 37mm of the Greyhound.

    Plenty of the Tigers were disabled by non penetrating hits, most of the hulls and turrets on the Panzer wrecks are typically completely intact. Also it's such a chore to recover the vehicles that they were often scuttled and credited as kills later anyway thus alluding to some kind of defect in their armor. A Tiger II would require 5 Bergetigers which did not even exist to recover.

    The nature of armored warfare in WW2 is that ammo and armor are often not reliable, so it's better to give yourself the most ideal situation to where youre not relying on the bleeding edge of your equipment to survive.

    COH3 is finally a game about period correctness, not just a TON of late-war rare vehicles and equipment clashing together. I truly love the usage of anti tank rifles, StuG D's, armored cars, light tanks, and how the Gren's were just dudes with rifles and MP40's and not like having an MG42 for every 4 guys.

  5. I love the 105mm Sherman, Sturmpanzer, Stug D, and the various barrage artillery pieces in this game. They really model HE well in this game and how it wears down infantry. COH1's HE basically just blasted people apart instantly and it didn't really capture the feeling of small pieces of metal wounding people, and instead focused on the concussive blast.

    I'm very pleased with the Nebel in this game too. It's really winning my 4v4's for me


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