COH3 Team game action feat. shadowwada

A pair of Company of Heroes 3 team games. The first as axis (me on Wehrmacht, second as allies (with myself on British Forces)

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39 thoughts on “COH3 Team game action feat. shadowwada”

  1. Ok, so adjusting the brightness and choosing a night map definitely makes it look a lot better than the last video.
    But still, this is what the next generation of CoH looks like? It doesn't look better than CoH 2 at all, in certain aspects it's much worse even.
    The impact of explosives and tank shells feels pathetic, both from the visuals and also the sound. How did they manage to take a step down from the previous title in this regard?

  2. While I've been playing and having a ton of fun with this game so far, they need to add and fix so much in the next 6 weeks I'm hoping this tech test is an older build. Seeing player names on units, fixing the bug where you can't pick up dropped weapons, letting you attack sandbags with AT guns, fixing the bug that won't let you pick up dropped team weapons.

    Those are off the top of my head and are things I'd say are necessary. One other thing that comes to mind is making some QoL changes, like when you upgrade a unit for some reason it doesn't show the upgrade progress the way the previous two games did, but puts it off to the right hand side away from the upgrade button for some reason…

  3. they gave us down of war ? himm The youtube community trying to act like the game is very good but in reality i can see in their face, its awful, all of them got the same look, where are my units? did i just die? 😀 lol This time game devolopers fkced up big time.

  4. I quite like the game so far. Its fun to see a few new ideas for the factions and get a little bit more variability. Als I had just two bugsplats and minor audio. Its still far from a finished game but thats why its a multiplayer test i guess. But some game design choices by relic are just weird. To throw things in like the dak tiger or skill planes which dont need scouting is just bananas. Like said in the video these were things that were tested before and were too strong or too difficult to balance. I think its safe to say that, if the game comes out next month, the balancing will be pretty fucked for the first year.

  5. Additionally:
    1) UI colors are completely OFF the chart and break the immersion… just WTF is with those creyon pink or blue elements?!
    2) Capture UI elements are like the minimalist Google WEB UI template… WTF is this doing in a WW2 era video game?
    3) Flamers damage and unit reaction is incomplete. Too much to talk here – just launch COH1 and see how's that implemented there almost 20 years ago.
    4) Visually damage special effects look unconvincing and not working. Maybe they are working as intended by the DEVs, but from a customers POV it's not working at all – looks and sounds like it's broken or not implemented at all.
    5) Tank shots and body weight feels so unimpactful and tanks behave buoyant.
    6) Unit portraits are like caricatures from a different game. Give them less details and make the imagination play itself out – akin to the CoH1 where the silhouettes were emphasized instead of the actual face details.
    7) No free camera movement & pivot is a critical failure for the games longevity. Think of single player and tourney replay's where casters tend to pause and rotate freely to make the most cinematic and immersive experience.
    8) The rest of audio and graphical fidelity from the technical standpoint purely is a mess. Taxes hardware and the wallet unjustifiably with things it doesn't deliver.
    8) Group/Commanders UI and a feature as a whole feels and looks like an afterthought. It's just there, but it's not there. You know what I mean?
    9) Base HQ buildings seem to have space visually to garrison units for defensive needs, but again, then don't support that just like CoH2, which is so lame. Original COH1 HQ can garrison and provide a hefty cover against base rushes.

    I feel empathy for DEVs as a human being, but as a potential target customer I feel an obligation to vent how far off the quality mark has slipped with this seemingly "almost ready to ship" product.

  6. It's very bad, very. Looks like CoH 1 with bad optimization, also you need much better videocard for play in it… For what ? Hi quality textures ? Grass and flowers – LOL
    CoH 2 alot better than this piece of crap, just many pple never understand how big companys works in our time, this product never be for gamers – it's only for money
    Again, to be honest not listen some kind of fanatics who just can trow away money, you dont need CoH 1 patch for full price of the game
    Save your money for ice cream for example and enjoy CoH 1 and 2

  7. The game needs polish but it still looks very promising, I really think it has a ton of potential. Relic needs about 6 more months of development to refine the game but mod support will also help a lot. I think this will turn out to be the best game in the franchise when it’s all said and done. Relic is listening to community feedback, learning from past mistakes, and committed to doing right by the franchise.


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