Coffee with MarkZ. 12/28/2023

CBI on selling foreign currencies, Bank woes, the bond market, gold, and other insanity.


35 thoughts on “Coffee with MarkZ. 12/28/2023”

  1. Guy's I cannot express STRONGLY ENOUGH, in saying, giving ANY banker your currency to send off to another Dept or Branch is NOT a good idea.

    Bankers are like sales reps and many lawyers, they are adept in legal theft.

  2. You know Iā€™ve been watching podcast about your strawman account just recently I watched one and this lady would say you have hundreds of billions of dollars in your strawman account. All you need to do is claim them so if this to Sarah Nera never pans out Iā€™m just gonna write mystrawman account checking account and start writing checks I donā€™t care

  3. At what point do you admit that all the supposed gurus supplying us all with hopium is just in this for the short term cash and have no real or valid intel to support their claims?! Truth isā€¦this just isnt happeningā€¦.if itā€™s too good to be true it probably is.


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