Coffee with MarkZ. 02/13/2024

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Zim signals a monetary change, Bank management continues to warn that a fiscal cliff is ahead, Shrinkflation, War, and other happenings.


43 thoughts on “Coffee with MarkZ. 02/13/2024”

  1. I have just had to send my passport and marriage certificate to the DVLA because my photo card license expired.

    It would be sods law that I need it while it's away.

    Without a passport and driving licence in terms if ID I am fckd.

    Lets just hope they don't loose my passport. Not So sure an expired driving licence would be any use and my driving license is more important than my passport right now. Thankfully I have my passport number, but don't relish having to replace it.

    I need the RV. Like every one else, I am tired of being stressed and tired.

    Owner leases the home to a friend or family member
    When they leave to run an Arron ,you break in and change the locks and then you show your lease that you lived there
    Don’t explain anything to them or the officer if called,,,
    You owe zero explanation because everything you’ve done is legal
    Starting the next day, you have a garbage bin delivered, and you dump. Everything in that and unfortunately, you’ll have to spend some nights there just a secure the place.
    Install cameras
    Tell both

  3. There should have been a record of who worked on the plumbing in Joel Olsteins church bathroom and if they looked some finger prints but police don’t look for the obvious they wait hoping something will slap them in the face, or they have an informant.

  4. So WE are what makes the WHOLE WORLD "go around". Without our negotiable instrument, no credits would flow, for it is OUR CREDITS that the banks and corporations and govt's use to pay our debts. ONLY THEY DOUBLE DIP WHEN ACCESSING OUR ACCOUNTS. That's theft, and the lack of full disclosure on the "loans" or lines of creditis fraud…

  5. Now that you’ve said to keep quiet on certain stuff, it’s a wrap. But one group owner following an unknown was changing the channel format. Your word is solid Gold Mark. Thanks for all ✔️🙏🏻

  6. Mark you of all people here put these Fetterman articles up showcasing the replacement or the serious plastic surgery Fetterman up. As easy as it is to compare the original Fetterman with the stand in phony one but gloss over it all by how Fetterman's changed, miraculous healing, etc… , it leaves me wondering about the opinions and observations on a mobile, motorized RV goal post realizing of course few know the day or the hour. Having this Fetterman stand in making it through with no comments is interesting.

  7. That’s not the same Fetterman since his last hospital stay. He’s been replaced with a lookalike. Just look at the difference in the pictures in the Epoch Times article you showed. I can’t believe none of the politicians are talking about it.

  8. You deserve that chair Mark and now you see the love we all have for you such a great community honestly the only place I come that we all learn listen laugh no crazy bossy you tuber or trolls just love and learning and a laugh or two.✨❤️🙏🏻✨❤️


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