CMCTR: Police Respond to 911 Caller Turned Active Shooter

In Burbank, California, a 911 dispatcher’s nightmare: a man calls from the parking lot of a busy shopping center and says he will open fire on innocent people. Dispatchers scramble to get officers to the scene before the carnage can begin, while trying to locate the suspect and de-escalate the situation before it’s too late. Officers arrive in time, and must use force to stop the man– but was he telling the truth?

29-year detective Drew Breasy will break down this bizarre case, unveiling the rationale officers’ response while active dispatcher Jon will tell you what it is like to take a 911 call from a man on the edge of violence.

Comments or questions? We take them live at 8/7C– call us at the non emergency line 848-COMM-911 which is 848-266-6911.

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10 thoughts on “CMCTR: Police Respond to 911 Caller Turned Active Shooter”

  1. I watch all the fts stuff a lot and it's of great value but THIS is the one I never want to miss!

    Lots of laughs out loud.

    Extremely witty & clever (without constantly relying on vulgarity which is only occasionally necessary).

    Always amazingly insightful both on '"subject matter experts'" level and just the human soul level.

    Please do Fail to Stop this program! 😉🙂


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