‘Clown’: Chris Bowen ‘devoid of reality’ amid electric vehicle push

Sky News host Rita Panahi claims Climate Change and Energy Minister Chris Bowen is “devoid of reality” amid a federal government push for more electric vehicles.

The Albanese government earlier this month released three potential options for a proposed fuel efficiency standard which would impose a fleet-wide cap on average emissions.

The change is designed to increase the uptake of low and zero-emissions vehicles.

Ms Panahi claimed some rental car companies are reducing their electric vehicles due to a lack of demand.

“The whole thing is nonsensical on the face of it and yet we have got national policy being written and implemented by this clown Bowen,” Ms Panahi said.


21 thoughts on “‘Clown’: Chris Bowen ‘devoid of reality’ amid electric vehicle push”

  1. I'd like to see Bowen use an EV for a year, then get his thoughts on them and then he probably won't think they're the best thing since sliced bread. I personally don't own one and never will, I can't see the point of them if you can't drive that far.

    They might seem like a good idea for just driving around town in small distances, but for long trips they are completely useless unless if you want to recharge the battery every 5 seconds

  2. Newsflash for the utterly pointless wasters of the UN:
    Climate change has happened for billions of years, without humans burning fossil fuels.
    If Chris Bowen keeps working at it he may become stupid enough to be an adviser to the UN.


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