Have you experienced this strange phenomenon and if so, how do you interpret it? Is it imagination, something alien or other-worldly or even demonic? In this personal journey into the shadows, researcher and author Paul Wallis offers his personal reflections and invites you to join the conversation.

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  1. G'Day and Welcome to the Paul Wallis channel. Hope you enjoy this conversation-starter. Let me know how your experiences compare with the cases I describe in this video. Health and Peace, Paul

  2. 🎯 Key Takeaways for quick navigation:

    01:00 🌑 Shadow People Phenomenon Overview
    – The speaker introduces the concept of shadow people, describing them as dark, featureless humanoid figures often observed in homes.
    – People, including children and adults, report seeing shadow people both at night and during the day, sometimes in broad daylight.
    – Various theories are discussed regarding the nature of shadow people, including psychological interpretations, energetic phenomena, and potential physical interactions.
    08:10 🐾 Pets' Perception and Comparative Observation
    – Shadow people encounters are likened to pets' reactions to unseen entities, suggesting that humans may lack the sensory perception to detect these beings.
    – The speaker proposes that shadow people might be observers from another dimension or frequency, similar to how humans observe and study animals like ducks.
    10:13 🔊 Shortwave Radio Disruption
    – Anecdotal evidence suggests that playing a shortwave radio on low volume disrupts shadow people appearances, hinting at a potential link between electromagnetic disturbances and the phenomenon.
    – This observation raises questions about the nature of shadow people and their potential susceptibility to disruptions in environmental factors like sound or electromagnetic fields.
    12:28 🛡️ Physical Interaction and Healing
    – Instances of physical interaction with shadow people are discussed, including a case where a child was lifted by a shadow figure resulting in subsequent health improvement.
    – The speaker shares anecdotes of individuals encountering shadow people in a manner suggesting more than just psychological or energetic phenomena, potentially indicating physical presence or intervention.
    17:11 🌌 Metaphysical Interpretation and Speculation
    – Speculation on the metaphysical nature of shadow people is explored, including the possibility of them being projections, astral beings, or manifestations of consciousness.
    – The speaker encourages audience participation and reflection on personal experiences with shadow people, fostering a conversation around the topic's various interpretations and implications.

    Made with HARPA AI

  3. When i was a child a tall black figure used to enter my room at night. It would stand at the foot of my bed and rock and shake my bed. I was so terrified. Throughout my adult years i would sense it lurking and watching

  4. While i was fighting cancer, something pretty interesting started to happen, dark figures and hooded figures would stalk me and try to intimidate me….growing up in a very large Jesuit school and the roughness of the yard during play time, had conditioned me to be mentally harsh and tough, so the intimidation tactics didn’t work on me…..they would try to take over my space every time I moved, like leaving my house, i would chase them out and try to catch them, but they would always run away….that happened for many dreams….the pinnacle scene was when a hooded one was following me, so I went into a house that had been converted into a night club, with each room having different types of music, i went to the rear most room and went to the bar, the figure chased me all the way there, as he approached me at the bar, I said to it: if you come any closer, I’ll smash your teeth in with a bat…..that was the last time they appeared…..I got cured of my cancer 17 years ago, but I always wandered what would have happened if I would have been afraid of them, and if they would have won?

  5. There was one stood over my top bunk bed watching me when I was around 9 years old. I was absolutely terrified, I pulled the covers over my head and when I looked again it was gone. It was pure black, no facial features or anything. It stood right out from anything else. Apparently they are interdimensional and feed off of our fear, they are supposedly always in our peripheral vision but can do us no physical harm

  6. My earliest memory of seeing shadow people was when I was about 5 years old. I was lying in bed feeling scared of the dark when all of a sudden 5 or 6 great big figures appeared in front of me on the form of wild cats (leopards or female lions – not sure which). They had formed a circle and were slowly walking around this circle in a very deliberate, trance-inducing manner. It was quite mesmerizing and I didn't feel scared at all until they suddenly stopped and the one nearest me reared it's head and looked at me directly. Without warning they all leapt at me! I didn't scream, but instead pulled the covers over my head where I remained for a long time. After what seemed like ages, my curiosity got the better of me and I peeked over my blanket to see if they were still there, but they had vanished! I waited staring in the dark to see if they would return but they never did. From then on, I manifested unusual abilities like being able to predict the future, seeing auras at will (that is, I could switch this ability on and off at will), and feeling connected to trees, animals, and children – for instance, very often, children of strangers will suddenly call me mom, or come right up to me for protection or a hug!

    When I became a Christian following an epic battle for my soul, I didn't feeling very connected to most of the beliefs and teachings of the evangelical church which I became involved in. From the very beginning of my Christian journey, I was rejected and even called a witch! It's happened so often that I wonder sometimes whether I am a true Christian. I have a great love for the central message of love taught by Jesus, but don't tolerate much of the other books of the Bible – especially the Torah! I've had many real-life encounters with so-called supernatural beings some of which have been good and others quite scary. I believe that our primary purpose in life is to love deliberately and to fill our minds with positive thoughts to counter all the evil in the world.

  7. When I was in college and alone in the apartment, a shadow of a person stood 2 meters behind me while I was washing the dishes. It was tall, around 6 feet and 5 inches. When I stared at it to check if it was a real person, it didn't react. It was really dark and had no face. Then when I noticed my cat was also scared of it, I walked toward the figure with my fist clenched, ready to confront it, but the shadow figure ran through the wall. I chased after it, and it disappeared like magic. I have not seen that figure since, as if it sensed that I was not scared of it.

  8. When I was young (1970's), I would see shadow people in our living room. It was a group of them and while I wasn't terrified, I was unnerved. These were seen more from the periphery of my vision so not as detailed as your son's experience. When I grew up and watched Ghost Hunters, and heard the term, "shadow people", I was shocked that it had a name and knew exactly what they were talking about!

  9. I am 57 years old, and throughout my lifetime, I have had many unusual experiences.
    The "visitors" have appeared as silhouettes, sometimes within a dimmed light, to outline the figure(s). Not cloaked and no bare skin or facial details, but silhouettes.
    They move out of the room when I notice them… hence "visitors". No harm, little interaction.
    (My pets have noticed the "visitors" as well.)
    Personally I think that the "visitors" are different life forms crossing over into our ability to perceive them, and then phase back out, so our senses can not detect their presence. (A physics thing… someday we will understand.)

  10. One day around 12 am while I was waiting on a red light coming from work, I saw something with human shape, and it was dark with no clothes. Nonetheless, I didn't wait for the light to turn green no more, I just run like hell pure and simple

  11. This happened to me just the other day , it was standing at the front door and I saw it when walking thru my room brushing my teeth . It didnt do anything it wasnt that scary an encounter it was there and gone . I did have the immediate thought of calling my psych friend .

  12. Yes I was 5 years old and I woke up in the middle of the night and a figure was standing above me. All I could see was it was an outline of a person that was larger than both my parents. I was terrified and pretended not to wake and rolled over in terror and fell asleep! To this day I am still bothered by it! The figure was backlit by the yard light and the window that was behind it. It stood motionless above me for several minutes. I wasn’t paralyzed or anything just startled and scared. I lived in the country and never was fearful of intruders.

  13. I saw shadow figures but they were shorter than avg adult height. They communicated telepathically and thought they were telling me they are observers like scientific in nature. However, it felt freaky because its hard to explain but it seemed they have no soul. Their silhouette was apparent but they seemed to be using some sort of cloaking technology.

  14. Finally…. A topic that has increased during time… I have experienced shadow people.. My wife and son also have as well. I grew up in a house that was a magnet for supernatural occurrence. As a child I’ve seen one that was like a Pygmy… very small and a strange head or a headdress. About four foot tall. My wife has seen a shadow entity that was tall and appeared to have a stove style hat or looked like a hat. I’ve learned at a young age to never interact with dimensional entities… bad news… Good topic… Blessings

  15. There is a book by the author D.H. Thorne called shadownomicon. It takes a more esoteric approach to these beings. He also doesn't fully know what they are, but he has connected them to a manifestation the human psychic shadow similar to what jung describes. That whatever these beings are, they are drawn to people who are often in psychic distress and feed off this energy and if one is not careful, they can get greedy and prey on you like energy vampires. They are not "evil" they are like maggits cleaning a wound. And even if they are parasitical they still serve the harmony of nature. Thorne developed some fanciful ritual techniques to approach working with them that if taken from a symbolic choas magick perspective (that everything you are doing is not really about the actual ritual elements but the psychological impact of the operations and implements in a ritual setting), and not taken as being objectively real in the fantasy sense. Alot of people have reported great benefit in getting to know their personal shadow by embracing these beings as a reflection of that.

    But beware he believes they are dangerous, even if only because they are a reflection of our own unintegrated darkness.

    It blends the "supernatural" with artful psychology. And while some of the more "down to earth" authors on the subject may scoff, this book has helped many people who don't scoff at the concepts of magick and the "supernatural."

    To be clear, it's a bit edgy in some respects. But I believe that is part of the psychological floor show. A way to keep the subject just a little spooky to bring you into the right state to increase your chances of encountering something vivid you can relate with.

    Could it all just be our imagination? Maybe, but then if you really think about it in the context of certain metaphysical schools of thought. What isn't?

  16. Hello Paul, when I was about 18 years old I was asleep in my bed and suddenly I turned to the right side and I saw 3 shadow people standing next to me lined up one after the other and then they walked lined up towards me and they entered my body through my stomach and I felt pain, after that I didn't feel anything different and I didn't see them again, I don't know what happened and maybe you could help me understand this experience. Greetings

  17. You say your son experienced a Shaman Figure Who did not interact with him but watched him. I on the other hand along with my mother experienced the reverse. Not only was there interaction but there was dialogue as well. The shadow person was not shrouded like a shaman. He was what is referred to as the hat man he had on a trench coat and a fedora hat and in profile he kind of look like the cartoon comic character Dick Tracy with the sharp nose and he would dart sideways. I would see him when I was wide awake. This happened throughout the years. I had a tendency to be an insomniac and when I was in my 20s I had a one-on-one experience with this shadow person. It was at dawn. I have not been to sleep. I was not sleep deprived. This was my normal inner clock. I was a person who got by was very little sleep. As I had said before. I was in the kitchen Don was breaking so it wasn't night and there was the beginning of daylight coming through the kitchen window. It was in my family home. We had a dining room and a living room that face the lake as this was reversed living the kitchen faced the street. From the living room through the dining room, I saw this shadow person moved toward me in a crisscross alternating fashion and I chose to believe that I wasn't seeing what I was seeing. Finally, I heard someone whisper my name right up into my ear as though they were right next to me and I could feel the moisture from their breath and that caused me to snap. And needless to say, I suffered anxiety from it because it was a very unpleasant sensation and I said in a very loud voice, stop it. Don't do this anymore. You're scaring me and it stopped.
    There were times when I was in the basement and this is before this final incident happened. Where I would hear voices and I couldn't make out what they were. I was not the only person who heard this. My mother heard it too except she heard a child's voice. This was the house that my mother unfortunately didn't exactly die in but it was the last house she lived in. She was taken to the hospital where she died. When I moved I did not experience this anymore and I was very glad of it. I was done with it. The sipping going on for many years. To say I was done. I was more than done and I would like to know what the heck it is. It wasn't a shaman. It was not dressed like a holy man or a monk. It was dressed as I had said before a man wearing trousers with a trench overcoat that was melted and a fedora hat and someone who had a very long sharp nose. I only saw that person in profile. I never saw the child although I heard the child's voice repeatedly but it was more in the distance. On other occasions. My mother never saw the image of the man in the trench coat but she kept hearing the voice of the child every time she was in the basement because that's where we had the clothesline where we would hang up our clothes. This is before we got a dryer. Are these creatures from a parallel universe? And I would like to know why this person knew my name and came right up to my ear and said my name in my ear in a whisper so much so as I could feel their breath and feel the moisture from their breath in my ear. I am not a person who is on any kind of medication or any psychotropic drugs. I'm a very same person who leads a conventional life. I just thought I would relate my story to you. Might I add this was not a one-time experience that either iron my mother had we had them quite frequently through about a 10 to 12 year time frame.

  18. WARNING! In childhood I met one like this at night I was very sad at that time and held a hand up, it was night and sleepin g time, one like this stos in front of me, I had black cloqack and baroque age hat, triangle shaped wide hat, it triend to suck me out into complete darkness, and seemed to hate me totally it was very ba feeling and scary esperience, It seems these are souls that are left here, they canboft stand sounds and light, some may be neuttral while this was totally evil.

  19. I grew up in Carletonville South Africa, lived there for my first 27 years of my life, I have now been living in London UK for 20 years in March. I never experienced them here, but I did twice in South Africa. One time the being walked up to my bed, he was wearing a hat, I could not move whilst he was there and I was super scared but it did not hurt me, just observed and left.

  20. Hey Paul,
    Been awhile. Hope you and your lovely family are doing well and happy. The experience you shared of the young boy having been healed by the being in a hospital appearing as a "nun", underscores the reality of extra-dimensional beings capable of interacting with us and performing compassionate and beneficial activities. I've noticed that the presence of these sort of entities are often mentioned in Tibetan Buddhist texts (i.e. "Dharmapalas" and "Bodhisattvas")
    Excellent, important, and relevant material….as always!

  21. I had an encounter with entities that had the body shapes of men, but were completely black from head to toe, and very tall, with no face. I had awoken and walked to my bedroom window and saw a black car sitting in front of my home. Then 2 figures were approaching me, floating, and came through the wall. One held me on my bed, while the other was flying laps from above the perimeter of my home. It was like an out of body experience where I could see the entire event from outside myself. The one flying above my home was chanting, "kill her", over and over, while the other held me down. Then they left without harming me. I again got up and looked out the window, and the black car was still there, but the shadow men were not.

  22. Hi Paul, I was a young child when I saw a shadow figure with red eyes sitting at my mums dressing table during the night. I'd woken up from a bad dream, gone to my folks room and saw the figure. I locked onto it as I climbed over my dad to get between my parents and went to sleep scared

  23. When I was small, every morning, I woke up to 3 or 4 short shadow people around my bed.
    They were dressed in black cloaks and are exactly how you mention them but short.
    Always when I look again, they would be gone.

  24. I have experienced shadow beings since I was a child. Always at night. My parents would brush it off as a bad dream. I would be paralysed always disturbed during sleep.
    At first for several years there was only one. A hooded being with no facial features always observing from distance. Blacker than black, and solid in colour. The phenomenon would come in bouts, then disappear for a while. As the years went by the numbers grew. A maximum of three would appear, with two being adult sized, and one being infant sized. They have became bolder during adulthood, and occasionally stand at the end of my bed. The experience is always frightening, but with no physical harm. I would always be paralysed, with humming in my ears, and an electrical vibration throughout my body.
    On occasion they have touched me, and held my arms firmly. I can feel individual fingers manipulating my skin with moderate pressure. Always observational.
    As an adult I have begun to understand that these being appear at the same time I would observe UAP craft. Like a sixth sense I can feel the presence of these craft in the sky and look directly at them without searching. I have documented videos of these pulsing light orbs, and tablet shaped craft in tge sky.
    I live in London UK, and no matter where I move to, the phenomenon follows. At first in adolescents I thought my home was haunted. As the phenomenon followed be I realised that it was something else.
    This phenomenon is very real. Not hypnagogic hallucinations.

  25. Yes I have had this experience once there was a shadow on the wall, but we couldn't see what
    was making the shadow, although we could touch the shadow as it moved very slowly high upon the wall.
    I thought it was a ghost.

  26. You are a very smart human been and i wish a could talk 1 time with you because a lot of people say ohw i can wright a book but i can wright an encyclopedi with everything the challenges i had and still have in my live 😘🥰💞

  27. Hi paul, i saw 2 shadow persons in my bedroom.This was 1994 Easter weekend in London.The shadow persons were standing at the bottom of my bed staring at me this was around 5 am in the morning.i had a good night rest and just woken up.Fully awake, lying down..the room was dark, but not pitch darkness .
    i don't drink or take recreational drugs.i'm a sober minded person in my late 20s.
    .when i saw they were staring at me my heart started racing but not scared,.this lasted for less than a minute.The shadow persons realised i was staring back at them.they were in shock because I'm looking back but at them.
    At that very moment the shadow persons quickly put there feet into the wall and disappeared .At this point, i was waiting for my sisters to scream out, because they were sleeping in the next door bedroom where the Shadow person disappeared to.But my sisters didn't . I asked my sisters in the morning, they say they were asleep.

    Any thoughts?

  28. I have seen shadow people from a very young age, always in my peripheral vision, back when i used to drink and abuse drugs i saw them quite often, on one particular occasion while on a mild overdose on magic mushrooms i met 3 shadow people and communicated with one of them telepathically, i am now 40 years old and recently became christian, have since quit alchohol and drugs, i never did take the spiritual world very seriously until a recent encounter with witchcraft, i started looking into the matter and in my opinion, shadow people are monitoring spirits, always taking account of where we are, what we are doing, our strengths and weaknesses, i believe everybody has shadow people assigned to them but most people don't acknowledge their presence, being a religious person, i believe they are trying to keep people from finding our purpose in life and from finding our way to GOD, i also believe that there are also angels assigned to every one of us to encourage, strengthen and guide us, at the same time.

  29. Been seeing dead people since I was a kid…I even seen dead family pets.. some are good and some are bad … most people who see shadow people means something big is going to happen.. doesn't mean too you or family something in the world…

  30. Hey… I saw one once, with my sister and her friend… just stood at our feet and watched us… I do see all the time moving black shadows pass by. Get feelings I'm not alone… and I get night visit, but I don't believe they are the same as the black shadows.
    Black shadows feel harmless.
    But visit at night actually feel as they want to invade me, harm me… sometimes I wake feeling as if I been held down, can't move… I sleep with a small light on… the fear I feel when these things are around is just horrible. I find calling out to god and Jesus seem to scare them away… but not alway… just away from me… but still there in the shadows.
    ..been like this all my life.

  31. I had an encounter about a month ago I was in my room and I was laying on my bed I was having a really bad day and I was laying there and I was crying very hard and I saw this black figured woman she was just solid black but I could see it was a woman and she stroked my hair and touched my shoulder and said in my head everything‘s gonna be OK and then she was gone I’ve never had that before

  32. I've seen shadow people and even shadow "critters" for 30-40 years, off and on. In the beginning I thought I was just seeing things. Most shadows were in my peripheral vision and were gone when I'd look directly at the spot. I did see a shadow person in the kitchen with me that was the size of a full grown man. My stepdaughter had seen the same thing at the bottom of the stairs at a different time. My kids have seen them, too.

  33. wow ok well I have had shadow figures or what you are calling people all my life and only once I had a bit of a scary encounter which was more startling than anything it was because I was laying on my bed and it crawled up my wall onto the ceiling ran up to just above me then dropped down on me which startled me so I got up and cleared my whole place unfortunately even after decades of experience I still haven't learned how to only clear the nuisance things I clear out bout the good and nuisance things the first time I noticed one was as a early teen when I walked past my parents room which had black out curtains and one was leaning over my mother almost touching its head to hers it turned its head looked right at me slowly waled into the bedroom and it stepped back and disappeared , I wasn't afraid or did I get any of negative feeling s from it . i have in my life more then a few times actually came across negative things that you know are very negative things not the things that you have fear that's just as feeling of unknowing more of a evil feeling and even those cane be removed all those types of things like to play head games with people and usually are more around places where people are intoxicated because its much easier to influence someone that is under the influence of something maybe make the sexually attracted to someone or sometimes put thoughts in the head doubts that cause anger in which they attack someone they say its from the alcohol, and sometimes it is sometimes its from that plus one of these nuisance things putting emotions or thoughts into them .
    as from shadow things, most are just curious

  34. My dog Buddy is amazingly perceptive. Unusually so. I can be walking him down a sidewalk and suddenly he will lock up and then retreat in a panic near knocking me down in the process. At that point we have to cross the road. There was nothing to see but more sidewalk that looked just like the rest. And this is a good size otherwise domineering dog. I always wonder what it is he perceives.


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