Climate Protestors Wreak HAVOC For Oil Giant

The activists featured from 1.05 are from Fossil Free London:

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24 thoughts on “Climate Protestors Wreak HAVOC For Oil Giant”

  1. Some of this is also caused by the media and how they show the climate demonstrators in a negative light. It's become almost acceptable for the public to assault them too and I often see this displayed on social media. Most people are blissfully ignorant or ignore what's happening to us. I actually feel guilty that I don't take time to support them as my daughter will pay for this more than me. This guy who was frustrated and tried to assault the protestor has probably been emboldened by what he's seen online and it's not like he was driving an ambulance. People are angry about the wrong thing and the likes of Shell love because it distracts from the real fire burning somewhere else..

  2. not going against the protestors but I think they need to come out more clearly with what they think their demands are.. Shell is a private company that responds to customer demand, so it's really the customer that should be being protested against, but how would that work.. I think if pollution is causing the world to heat up, the cat's way out the bag since not using fossil fuels (or a sudden decline in their use) would disrupt humanity just as much as longer droughts/bigger hurricanes would.. humanity just developed to such an extent we inadvertently caused the globe to heat up.. dragged billions out of a dollar a day poverty in the process but did this as well it turned out.. just don't see a solution but for people to just march on as one can only aim to provide for themselves and their family.. not trying to be provocative.. be great to figure out cold fusion or something that could realistically substititute oil

  3. I was in the city yesterday and saw shell flags flying high above London.. I though wow how distasteful.. wasn’t aware there was a whole gathering of these people. Happy to see people protesting there !

  4. I would protest all the time if I wasn't a filthy immigrant that can be sent off as nowadays peaceful protest has become a crime here and if I didn't have excruciating social anxiety. So I appreciate every person who goes out there and protests against these selfish bastards and for the betterment of society.

  5. Chevron were outed as doing just this – greenwashing – yesterday. But it’s been going on for decades. In Nigeria, the police were essentially a militia in the pay of Chevron and Shell. The US government refused to take responsibility for their corporations committing atrocities overseas, so people who wanted to negotiate working conditions with Chevron or protest against the pollution were killed.

  6. How childish. If we turned off the oil tomorrow our society would utterly collapse in weeks. These people have nothing constructive to offer, no solutions. Just act like spoilt kids, all emotion no higher brain function.

  7. No Politician is serious about tackling climate change and humanity is doomed… Inequality is to blame. People who can't afford to run a car are forced to drive a car because the housing crisis makes it impossible to live near where the jobs are….

  8. See that’s the place to make a stand and protest.

    Let the execs see how pissed the people are, they then donate / influence Tory Party Politics, the government take note and things will hopefully change for the better.

  9. This is where people should be protesting, disrupt the people actually responsible for making the decisions rather than covering a snooker table in orange powder…


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