Climate Activists Hit The Rich & Powerful Where It Hurts

Climate activists in France, which is facing an unprecedented heatwave and drought, are protesting the water ban exception on golf courses by filling in golf holes with cement. Yasmin Khan breaks it down on Rebel HQ.

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35 thoughts on “Climate Activists Hit The Rich & Powerful Where It Hurts”

  1. Why wouldn’t the purchasers (vendors) and individuals share blame for the plastic straw creation? No demand, no product.

    Also, you argue about big tracks of land being made unusable, but it doesn’t sound like you live in a high rise apartment limiting your part in the making lands less usable.

    Your complaints are all valid, it’s just that blaming one party or not taking responsibility for your own actions that contribute doesn’t help.

  2. You didn't hit the rich and powerful AT ALL! This was nothing but a waste of time. You're only hurting the lawn maintenance personnel who will have to work hard to have this fixed in less than a week.

  3. With the drought here in the UK we have been told to not water our lawns as doing so will harm them. Better to allow them to go brown and golden and then when it does rain they will recover much quicker. I did and we have had some rain and my grass is already coming back nice and green!

  4. Funny how one reporter said "they can't water their garden, they can't even wash their cars".
    Is this the priority now? Screw food and air giving plants, as long as I can wash my effing oversized car?

  5. The western USA is the same as France, the mansion and golf courses are still using millions of gallons of water annually. They should have switched to fake grasses 20 years ago
    The oil companies are pulling billions off the present fuel prices while they should be paying for climate change.

  6. Electric cars have been around since 1909 (Baker Electric Coach). Imagine if this technology was allowed to evolve. We may not be having this problem. But NO. The petroleum industries crushed this idea.

  7. Your wrong. They will kill people that drink the water before giving up golf resorts. Normal people need to watch just how the rich and powerful with watch people suffer and if need be die due to lack of clean water.. If you don't stop them now they will make it impossible to stop them later.

  8. But but but….We need green golf courses… it's not good business practice to make deals standing in dusty farmer's fields. It just ain't done.! There's a reason they call them Golf GREENS?

  9. Golfers. 🀬 Is golf-shaming a thing? It should be. George Carlin said in the 80s we should use the land from golf courses to make low income housing and I agreed then and still do now.

  10. Right there with ya Yasmin…I live in(rent a room) a gf course community..can sit on any floor n see the water on the course and the big beautiful fountain in the center..that water IS recycled, uses energy to do that..🀨 and…we also have a humongous pool..also with small fountains in the corners..2 more are being built bc they're also building two more phases of homes..Its beautiful here, but I'm blue collar among lots of snobs..and I want a teeny tiny story so even a shed home would do..but..I want it near water, lol..naturemade water, stream, brook, small river or pond..I'm surrounded now by the ocean the bay rivers n ponds..just no affordable living..✌😊

  11. This is totally justifiable, well done to the people's responsible actions.
    We have a number in the UK and many Mansion Gardens, btw – including Trumps' 'Castle' and his Golf-Courses.
    You are most welcome here, throughout the UK.


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