Cleanest City Indore | A Little More About

Let’s talk about the Cleanest city, Indore in this video.

#cleanestcity #indore #cleaning

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36 thoughts on “Cleanest City Indore | A Little More About”

  1. Govt should educate people not to litter with more public ads… But very good initiate by Govt for swacch bharat… We have to keep india super clean like singapore..

  2. Wrong . There is garbage as in even the smallest hut. However Indore has not scattered it on yhe streets n gutters n rivers instead intelligently and responsibly processed it in their own way and protected us and the environment. Well done.

  3. Central govt..must make..a…SEBI…to..manage
    ..inspect..all..municipal corpo..and..other small cities..for..cleanness …medical..and others utilities ..cervices….🙏🙏🙏

  4. as human beings our intellect is dropping day by day we need to do yog and should keep our surroundings clean which is the basic pillar of staying healthy as a human being….

  5. India is mostly dirty in many places. It has the largest slums in the world . Air is polluted and many people are malnourished and disease stricken. Compared to the wrest of India , this city is a bit cleaner for the Indian standards .

  6. Dont.spread the lies and rumours… just because of your godi media. Thousands of foreigners come to india and their conclusion is and dirty. Its a fact… india has 65% poverty and dirty everywhere….

  7. HT I appreciate your video but you should include shots of Indore rather than someone just spitting facts from google , a video of Indore with background sound of this man would be the best [ drone shots ]

  8. Rajasthan me saaf safai ki kaafi jarurat h …. Top 30 cleanest city me bhi ek bhi Rajasthan ki nahi h….:))) har jagah bas kachra hi kachra pada rahata h… Itne saare foreigners visit karte h.. Kya impression jata hoga

  9. Nobody on their deathbed has ever wished they had watched just one more of these videos. Leave it to the country who leads the world in fiction and high drama media production to bring us the 'real' news. There's a reason that India is the 192'nd worst country in the world when ranked on freedom of the press.


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