Claire Saffitz Makes Easy Homemade Pinwheel Cookies | Dessert Person

Claire Saffitz Makes Easy Homemade Pinwheel Cookies | Dessert Person
To make these pinwheel cookies, phyllo dough is brushed with melted butter, sprinkled with cardamom sugar, rolled into a spiraled log, and sliced and baked. In the oven, the melted butter and cardamom sugar mingle and caramelize on the sheet pan, forming a glassy surface, while the phyllo bakes up flaky and golden all the way through. The cookies are so shatteringly tender that they give palmiers, a buttery French cookie
made from puff pastry (and one of my favorite cookies), a run for their money.

#cookies #dessert #clairesaffitz

Phyllo Cardamom Pinwheels
¾ cup demerara sugar (5.3 oz / 150g)
½ teaspoon ground cardamom
Pinch of kosher salt
9 sheets frozen phyllo dough measuring 18 × 13 inches (8 oz / 226g),
thawed overnight in the refrigerator
10 tablespoons unsalted butter (5 oz / 142g), melted

What’s for Dessert by Claire Saffitz is out now:
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Video Series:
Producer/Director: Vincent Cross
Camera Operator: Calvin Robertson
Editor: Hal McFall
Assistant Editor: Asher Rogers
Theme Song: Michael Guggino

Animation Credits:
Character Designer/Animator: Jack Sherry
Character Rigger: Johara Dutton
Background/Prop Designer: M. Cody Wiley
Background Illustrator: Jagriti Khirwar


33 thoughts on “Claire Saffitz Makes Easy Homemade Pinwheel Cookies | Dessert Person”

  1. What’s the actual difference between phyllo dough and regular? I know they look and taste different but ingredient wise. Is this a stupid question? Maybe. But I’m asking

  2. 10/10 would buy a Claire cookie book! Also, please do another Clairified episode soon! I made the Salty Cashew Blondies this week and they were delicious but I definitely need to troubleshoot.

  3. Claire, did you move out of the city and into the cabin permanently?! Not sure how I’m just thinking to ask this. If so, did your decision ultimately come down to being able to care for the chickens full time?😉

  4. For phylo newbies: there's different thicknesses to them! Bigger number=thinner (f ex, some are marked as №4, some as #10). Thinner is better for the crisp but it's harder to work with!

  5. I'm celebrating a $30k stock portfolio today. I started this journey with $4000 have invested on time and also with the right tearn now I have time for my family and the life ahead of me

  6. Claire! I remember Claire from when she used to work for Bon Appetit! I’m glad she’s outta there i read online that they SA’d their workers!!!
    Glad you are doing better Claire! Hope you are safe now! ❤

  7. Damnit.. yet another tab to add to my book.. 😅 I have to admit I didn't think much of these when I saw them in the book, but it happens so often where Claire releases a video on one of those recipes and it completely changes my mind 😄

  8. this is great, we make very similar thing to this over here in Turkey, we also add pistachio or peanut to sugar filling. And you can make much smaller rolls and place on the sheet side by side without cutting it, and you can make some syrup and pour it over after cooking in oven


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