Citizens of China fed up with Xi Jinping’s Zero-COVID restrictions

Defence Intelligence Analyst Paul Monk says Xi Jinping has doubled down on surveillance and suppression, which has fuelled confrontation with China’s citizens.

“The regime has always been a regime of lies, suppression, propaganda and surveillance, and Xi Jinping has doubled down on all of that,” Mr Monk told Sky News host Chris Kenny.

“What we are really seeing now is a confrontation between masses of the citizens of China and the distinct preference of Xi Jinping to totally control everything.

“If he gives ground, there’s going to be demand for more ground to be given.”


49 thoughts on “Citizens of China fed up with Xi Jinping’s Zero-COVID restrictions”

  1. Its more than covid, the ccp used covid as an excuse to silence anyone who speaks out against the ccp by locking them in their apartments. If you were caught protesting or posting something online your health code would go red and you would be locked inside for months. Who knows how many people starved to death in Shanghai from being locked inside for months without food. The ccp is the most murderous dictatorship in human history and needs to go.

  2. I love you Jesus! Without you we would never know the fulness of God. Jesus is the key to the universe for “all things have been created through him” So I’m waiting on Jesus. He gives me strength. As a single mother things aren’t isn’t easy on me. I’m overwhelmed at times because both of my children are autistic. I’m desperately struggling trying to support them and myself because like so many others. I lost my job as a social worker at Forsyth hospital because I declined the vaccine. I declined because of my pre existing health condition lupus and heart disease. I was denied my medical/religious exemption. I wish I could go back to the hospital but the mandate is still in place for hospitals that participate in Medicare and Medicaid. I’m waitressing and I’m so thankful to be working again, but I’m not making nearly enough to make ends meet. But God continues to help me. I get harassed and called names for simply asking for prayers, but prayers are all we need to get by, and when you’re a real christian people will always crucify you. Thankfully, God gives me strength to keep going. I have faith God will provide. He HAS THIS FAR. Please pray for me and my children.

  3. There is absolutely ZERO chance of jinping stepping down or even precipitating political change driven by high ranking CCP rivals.
    Xi Jinping is another Kim jong un only with greater resources and weapons

  4. I can't remember the lockdowns being freely debated in Victoria ? I don't know where he got that from. The police were out in force to stop what they called dissent

  5. Sorry as of 2022 data
    conveys China wields by far the world’s largest military, with 2.8 million soldiers, sailors and airmen—twice that of the American number.
    (The United States is number two; and the only other countries with more than a million active duty troops
    are China’s neighbors—Russia, which is another Communist nation and their have been concerns of them uniting. Along with India and North Korea.) Yet China’s military Raw size is deceptive. Two million of China’s soldiers serve in the ground forces, where their primary responsibilities are to
    ensure domestic order
    and protect borders along
    with enforcing Government dictate
    So do you believe protests by brave dissidents worry them when they can be so easily crushed

  6. In Canada, media is criticizing Xi for showing weakness after he relaxed the covid restrictions. Before that they were criticizing him for NOT relaxing the restrictions. Now they call him weak leader. Ha ha ha ha. What a double standard!!!!

  7. China have 1.4 bil people.
    A few thousand young people protesting the zero Covid policies are confirmation that the government had lost support of all Chinese people…?
    More western propaganda.
    Less than 1,000 people died from Covid in China because society is united to confront it.
    Everyone wear mask, stay home, work from home etc.
    This is China…..society unity comes first.
    In USA, million died from Covid because it is more expedient to sacrificed the old and vulnerable than to make less monies.
    China preferred to protect the old and vulnerable.
    Is that wrong ?
    The zero Covid policies worked and it would have to end when Covid becomes endemic.
    China wants to make sure it is endemic……before it dial back the zero Covid policies.
    China wants to protect its old and vulnerable ….at the expense of more monies.
    I don’t agree with their policies but then again, I am a ruthless free economy global investor.
    I prefer the boom and bust of open free economy ……
    Right now, I am avoiding all USA assets .
    Too much fake monies in tech and cryptos.
    USA is heading for a recession.
    I will buy them NEXT year or the year after …….after the crash. 💣

  8. See how the media twists things domestic protesters bad and deserve harsh police treatment, China's protesters good (you could insert Iran or any other country the US currently has a grudge against) and the police are bully's. The media can no more be trusted than goverment.


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