CIA Classified Book About Pole Shifts, Mass Extinctions And The Real Adam & Eve Story

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25 thoughts on “CIA Classified Book About Pole Shifts, Mass Extinctions And The Real Adam & Eve Story”

  1. Listen to Credo Mutwa in David Icke's interview. Credo talks about the history of Africa and the Zulu tribe, and he explains how the Chitauri (A reptilian race) invaded the planet, and divided humans into male and female. The earlier humans still had spiritual abilities more accessible. They communicated through telepathy and empathy. The Chitauri split humans and gave them the "gift" of speech. The tongue language, which is obviously a problem for humans. The humans began to fight each other because they did not understand each other. The women did not the men because of the "snake" dangling between their legs, and the men were confused by the large round things on the women's chest. All of this history is known in Africa. The rest of the planet does not know, nor will they be open minded to the history or artifacts that are still in Africa today. I know a super Catholic girl who was completely closed off to the idea of men speaking on podcasts and the current state of relationship. I know she plans to find a boyfriend or husband someday because she mentioned how dating is hard in Dallas area. Yeah, but here is the thing. Her parents moved her to East Texas over a year ago in the middle of nowhere, and she graduated when I did back in 2018. Her wall is coming very soon. In fact, most of the girls I knew at my art school university will have this problem. I bring this up because there is absolutely no way she would be open to listening to Credo Mutwa's documentary on the Chitauri and story of early humans.

  2. The Mega Quake could happen this year. The 17 cosmic gravitational waves are hitting the planet, and solar activity is increasing. All of this has direct effects on tectonic activity. There is a sun spot aiming directly at the planet right now. If you don't believe in God/Jesus, you better start now. I have done years of research on NDEs (Near Death Experiences). This means patients who were pronounced clinically dead and experience an OOBE (Out of Body Experience) and had spiritual encounters. For example, humans who left their bodies are able to see in 360 degree vision, past family members have come to greet them, people have see Jesus/God/Light and the tunnel of darkness that can either turn into a light at the end, or become hot and smokey depending on where they are going. Yes, there is a Hell. There is a Heaven, a Golden City, a Garden, a River, etc. There are thousands of these experiences happening frequently throughout the history of mankind. This is not a joke. There is a reason I never say, "Rest in Peace" to anyone. It is Atheist. You don't fall asleep when you die. You float above your body and look down at yourself. Dying is peaceful based on reports. It is blissful, tranquil, and painless. This is what leaving your body will feel like. The bad part is if you go to Hell.

    I am telling all of you this so you are prepared. Don't be surprised. Everyone who has experience seeing Jesus/God said he still has holes in his hands and feet. He has blueish, green, grey eyes. His face is blurred to those who are not ready to see heaven and the Golden City. Do your research. Watch Dr. Jeffrey Long and Dr. Penny Sartori. They have studied patients. If you are someone who "drinks" or takes substances that you think make you feel good, now is the time to stop. The waves are colliding with the planet. The mega quake could be imminent. Earth Crust Displacement is a possibility. They all of this in the films for you. The Core, 2012, Knowing, and The Day After Tomorrow. All of those films are happening now. It's not a movie.

  3. Matthews 24 But about that day or hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father.

    I’ll take Gods knowledge of the end of earth over fallible men who don’t even understand something small as a virus (covid) when it comes to the end of earth.

  4. More likely that this book is a Cia psychological operation to see how they can make the sheep dance around; they love fear and confusion.
    Knowledge is being suppressed. And it is twisted. Don't worry about what the Cia says, listen to what God says.

    And the flood did happen as the bible says. This book is putting some truth in it's mix, but that doesn't mean all its points are true.

  5. Out of topic, but had three dreams that i remember very well from very long time ago. One about huge tsunami coming other about nuclear bombs blowing around and the last one on planes just falling out of the skye. Who knows maybe its a massage or vision. Anyone else had same dreams about the end?

  6. Sorry, Don't believe this for a second. Yes the tectonic plates are always slowly moving. And an Earthquake is when they build up pressure because of snagging on another plate. Then once that snag breaks apart we get quakes. But here he is saying a MAJOR land mass or The Earth's Crust movement will happen. No possible with Gravity pulling in from the center of the Earth. It would require another Gravity source pulling at the crust in a particular direction which there is no other gravity acting on the Earth to do that. Plus the medium under the Earths crust would have to be fluid for such a dramatic shift of the crust. The continental shift is considered a distinct possibility but it took millions of years not a sudden shift that wipes out all life. There is also no proof what so ever that this has happened to any planet currently under our surveillance. All Planetary bodies have a gravity source and it pulls down or in toward the center.

  7. Keep in mind that these old civilizations speaking about the entire Earth flooding; They had no concept of the entire Earth back then. And wouldn't it be more plausible that these other civilizations just had a major flood in their area, which to them was their entire world. We have them today but we are just so advanced that we know it was just our county that was flooded.


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