Christian Persecution & The Coming War | Fr. Kiely

Join Michael Knowles in a profoundly moving and eye-opening episode titled ‘Persecuted Christians and the Church,’ featuring his special guest, Fr. Kiely. In this important discussion, they delve into the rarely discussed but critical issue of Christian persecution around the world, shedding light on the challenges and threats faced by believers and the global church.

Fr. Kiely brings to the table his deep insights and firsthand experiences, providing an in-depth look into the lives of Christians who live under constant threat for their faith. Together, they explore the historical context, current situations, and what the future holds for religious freedom globally.

🔔 This is more than just a conversation; it’s a call to awareness and action. Subscribe now to be part of this vital discussion. Share your thoughts and show your support for persecuted Christians in the comments below. Let’s bring this issue to the forefront and stand in solidarity with our brothers and sisters in faith.

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32 thoughts on “Christian Persecution & The Coming War | Fr. Kiely”

  1. For those curious to know more about end time prophecy I highly recommend a series called 'total onslaught' by Walter Veith; it identifies the antichrist and the mark of the beast, among aother things.

  2. I am a Christian with great sympathy for Armenia but also with strong family ties to Azerbaijan. We have to be careful to understand what is happening there. The region of Nagorno-Karabakh is within Azerbaijan's internationally-recognized borders, actually constituting 20% of their total territory. In the early 1990's, it was the Armenians who slaughtered Azeris there and tried to claim the territory for Armenia, producing tens of thousands of refugees. Armenian separatists then created a self-declared state in the region, WITHIN the borders of Azerbaijan. This is not primarily a religious conflict but an ethnic one between two parties that have been persecuting each other for generations. Please look carefully at the history, replete with atrocities committed on both sides (read about the Armenian pogroms of Azeris in Baku in the early 1900's, for example) of this before lumping it in with the Christian persecution we are seeing throughout the rest of the world.

  3. Well our government has already decided that Catholics should be kept track of because we might be white supremacists. They have lost their minds. The Catholic religion is the largest religion in the world. So I guess that makes us dangerous. No, it makes us keep God in our lives and the liberals can’t handle that since they are evil. Evil always wants to shut down good.

  4. Yes, I believe that it is not talked about in the media enough Robert Spencer does a well job of this. but there are many Catholics that actually don’t believe this. They believe that most of the persecution is coming from the Jewish people.. and I do believe that there was some because you’re always be bad players whether you are Catholic, or any other religion you could still become a persecutor. We must pray every day not to be persecutors enter pray for peace..

  5. God said that we should expect to always be persecuted. But despite our suffering we should not give in to the world. But keep believing in Jesus. For in Him is everlasting life while the world is eternal death. Fame, money, pride, desire are worldly. Do not give in to it. Nor into others who are already gave into their desires. God bless everyone.

  6. The Cessationist will become the Pharisees and attack Holy Spirit filled believers. Get them out of your church. Cessationism is a piece of the puzzle that reveals the picture of damnation.

  7. Thank you for this interview!
    I am a Christian, but not Catholic yet 110% agree with "You have to choose a side!" We stand with the Jewish people & Israel 🇮🇱🇮🇱! God bless you both, your precious ministries & sending prayers ✝️ 🙏🕊️!

  8. Wouldn't it be crazy if there was an ethnic cleansing of Christians from the Holy Land but people like Knowled made videos about Kanye West songs instead of talking about it?

  9. Thank you Michael for bringing up this important topic. And thanks to this great priest for his courage. I worked a lot with persecuted christians from Iran, Irak and Afghanistan. Compared to them we european and american Christians are so weak. We can learn from them a lot.

  10. what's sad is the misconception that the persecuted Christian areas are weak, compared to we Western Christian nations. The factual Truth is, all who wish to live righteously in Christ Jesus WIll, not may, be persecuted. So, if this bursts anyone's bubble I'm also pointing the finger at myself. Christianity in the US & Canada is very weak, and false, save a few faithful congregations. Starving sheep everywhere amongst the vanity fair of what's "relevant." Unicycle riding pastors, rock bands, pathetic redundant music, etc. The Church in China, Iran, Iraq, North Korea is strong. Biblical. Courageous. Docttinally sound for the most part. Americanized Christianity has spread to Africa like wildfire. "pastors and apostles" making their congregants eat grass like beasts, drink petrol, all about healing, money, prosperity, living your "best life now." There are no current apostles. Many are deceived. Luke warm will be spewed out of His mouth. Better to be cold. Yes, the persecuted Church is the strong Church, & the gates of Hell will never prevail against his true Bride. I thought I was a Christian for 30 years but knowledge can't bring the dead in sin to life eternal. Only the Grace of God & full trust in the Life & work, death, resurrection, & His ability to turn a wretch into a Saint. None who think they deserve heaven will enter. Only those who trust He will be gracious to the sinner they are shall be justified. Heed these words if you were blessed enough to read them. Whoever has eyes to see, let them see & understand.

  11. As much as people may not want to hear this, I think the church needs to clean house, too. That starts with the pope. He needs to be shown the error of bending the knee to the progressive ideology, or get removed from the position. The hypocrisies of the church needs to be addressed and corrected, as well. I believe the refocusing of the church is the only way it will survive the coming crisis.


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