China's biggest aircraft carrier launches

China’s newest, largest and most-advanced aircraft carrier, the Fujian, took a big step to joining the world’s largest naval fleet on Wednesday as it set out from Shanghai for its first sea trials.

The naval assessment is expected to take place in the East China Sea, about 130 kilometers (80 miles) from the Jiangnan Shipyard where the carrier has been under construction for more than six years, according to Shanghai’s Maritime Safety Administration.

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47 thoughts on “China's biggest aircraft carrier launches”

  1. haha, you have to add a gloomy filter to every video about China don't you? There are the same video clips published by others on the internet. You still do this blatantly anyway. Are you stupid or you think your audience is stupid?

  2. 别担心,你们看片头这艘渔船都没有解缆绳的人的身高两倍高。8万多吨的小船,就是中国造十艘造一百艘都是不需要担心的小船。🌝

  3. Chinese people better work really hard cause the Indian already have super fast missile . They were all over the very trustworthy Indian news channel. They claimed their missile can travel a bit faster than light speed and a range of 950034.32 kilometers

  4. Détendez-vous, le renforcement de la puissance de la Chine contribuera à assurer l'équilibre militaire mondial et favorisera la paix mondiale… Si vous pouvez commettre des crimes sans être puni, alors vous les commettrez sans aucune retenue, c'est ce qui se passe aux États-Unis

  5. Hey look! China has a toy aircraft carrier! Zero experience operating in the ocean, diesel engines and zero combat experience. Take it out in blue waters and try to threaten a REAL aircraft carrier. It'll make a real nice artificial reef. 😅

  6. Should be named the Walmart, not the Fujian. A special thanks to all of you folks that purchased that cheap junk and thought it was a good idea. The PLAN, bought $1 purchase at a time.


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