China Drops New Map Claiming India, Japan, and Russia

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China Drops New Map Claiming India, Japan, Vietnam, Malaysia, Philippines, Russia, and Bhutan

China dropped it’s new map and it’s neighbors are upset. China’s new map shows them claiming part of India. India says the map is absurd and that their claims have no basis. The map also shows them infringing on Malaysia’s maritime border so Malaysia has rejected their unilateral claims. China’s map also claims part of Russia, Japan, Vietnam, Bhutan, Indonesia, Philippines, and all of Taiwan. It may seem silly for these countries to get very upset over what are essentially just lines on a piece of paper. But lines on a map represent people’s identities, their validation, things they’ve fought thousands of years for. It’s never just a line on a piece of paper.

Produced by: Ben Wheeler, Philip DeFranco
Edited by: Ben Wheeler
Art Department: William Crespo
Writing/Research: Ben Wheeler, Philip DeFranco
#china #india #russia


36 thoughts on “China Drops New Map Claiming India, Japan, and Russia”

  1. The place china claimed as thier part is arunachal pradesh in India
    I literally went there 2 weeks back and had local chicken with people out there
    So what even is China smoking man 😂😂

  2. West Sheep: OMG China made Claims on its map
    CURRY fkwits: We made claims with our British master's lines!
    JAPS: we made Claims with WW2 legacy and my US dad granted me that!
    Taiwan 1450: we made claims by stealing all the gold from the Chinese, took their land, and screamed "democracy and freedom" while suking my US daddy so deep!

    If history doesn't mean anything, if the grey zone co-op for years means nothing, then let the bullets talk!

    Let this world burn! Let the war start already! Can't wait for it! Japs, Yankees and all the sheep on the net, are you ready?!

  3. Bro, learn international relations. Those parts you mentioned as "part of this, part of of that" are mostly disputed territories. The answer to these territories are unresolved. To just say "part of this part of that" is a very sign of ignorance towards the dynamics of international relations. Don't stoop low to become a propaganda channel that spreads Sinophobia and stupidity.


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