China Announces Biggest Bank Reserve Ratio Cut In Three Years

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19 thoughts on “China Announces Biggest Bank Reserve Ratio Cut In Three Years”

  1. Falun Gong extatic over the slightest shadow of a sign of a possible insufficient progress in China’s economy. Now this a powerful message from people attached to improving human lot on the planet…and in China in particular! Quick note to Klaus Schwab and Soros!

  2. Fact is china 8 golden years
    perfectly coincided with 8 years of Obama
    After which Trumph stopped all
    Roberry , bribery , and all illicit illegal activities of China
    Then came in Biden – who also In good measure – was firm with china

  3. The Risk Reserve Ratio (RRR) is the percentage of money that banks must hold in reserve instead of lending out. When the RRR is cut, banks have more money available to lend to businesses and individuals, which can stimulate economic activity. Decreasing RRR is one way to inject more money into the system, but in CCP China's case, may also be used to hide the actual printing of money from international banks/govts. CCP may want to hide its printing and injection of more money into the world economy because it wants to avoid devauling its money used to purchase petroleum and other imported goods.

    The CCP is very lucky friendly Bidon is at the helm. If Agent_Orange was there, lowering the RRR can be taken avantage of by performing a number of short term actions to basically render moot whatever advantages changing the RRR gave. That would basically mean the RRR was decreased (increasing risk of the govt central bank failure) with no real gains to show for it after a few months.

    In my opinion, the CCP is a ruthless and continually lying type of govt. Previous observations on other YT channels have shown that mulitple copies of currency notes have been printed by the official govt currency printer. This means identical banknotes with the same serial numbers were released. Therefore, changing the RRR may be a tactic used to hide an even greater more massive release of currency banknotes while trying to avoid currency devaluation as what happened to the Weimar or Zimbabwe currency when they also printed more money.


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