Childrens' Story on Sathya Sai Avatar | Chinna Katha | Sathya Sai Baba

Sri Sathya Sai Baba would often punctuate His discourses with small stories. “Oka Chinna Katha”, He would say and all ears would perk up. These little stories would entertain no doubt, but they would also plant the seed of wisdom in every listening heart.

Here is a special “Chinna Katha”. Though it was not narrated by Swami, it is about Swami and it was put up in His physical presence at Prasanthi Nilayam by the post graduate students in 2004-05. There is a mysterious yet powerful thief in the heavens and he/she seems to be committing robberies and kidnappings with great audacity. The climax of the story is too sweet to be missed.

I am thankful to my daughter Bhakti for contributing her thoughts and questions that I used to script this dialogue. Hope you all enjoy it.


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