(6) Galaxy Apex Predator?? I Will Make Him My House Puppy | Sci-Fi Story | HFY Stories

6 Part of Galaxy Apex Predator?? I Will Make Him My House Puppy | Sci-Fi Story | HFY Stories
This story was granted permission by reddit author u/YukiteruAmano92 to me to narrate and add to this YouTube channel.

It was 7 parts narrated this time, from 30 to 37 part
Story First Part Link: https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/r3lov3/there_will_be_scritches/
Last 37 chapter Link: https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/wsn380/there_will_be_scritches_pt37/
Read all other parts on the author account
Support the author of the story! ^^

HFY|Sci-Fi Stories, story for sleep, fantasy Sci-Fi story, HFY story.
#scifi #hfy #redditstories #scifi #shortstory #hfystories #hfy #scifi


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