Chien Binhrung Part 8: Journey For Gems – EU4 Anbennar Let's Play

Our Anroang has sent out an expidition to find magical jewels across Haless. They have departed south for the Gulf of Rahen hoping to find gems in the grand markets. They will need to brave weather, spirits, pirates, and enemies but hopefully they will return with the gems we need.

Anbennar is a total conversion mod for Europa Universalis IV. It is set in a fantasy world of elves, dwarves, magic, monsters, and more! What stories will you tell and what adventures will you embark upon? This is one of the best mods created for EU IV and you should check it out for yourself!

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Check out the mod yourself on the Steam Workshop:

“Copyright: 2018 Paradox Interactive AB.”


6 thoughts on “Chien Binhrung Part 8: Journey For Gems – EU4 Anbennar Let's Play”

  1. "Meddling Adventurers" – Love it! I'm currently running a campaign in Anbennar and am using the plots to SD episodes. Witch in the swamp? Actually a thief who came back to find a stashed treasure. Vampire? No, just someone trying to disinherit someone. Can't wait until I get them jaded enough to throw Zombie Island and Hex Girls at them. XD

  2. Estate monopolies can help with getting mercantilism up and give loyalty for some of the other missions without contributing influence so they're easy to revoke after they've run their course. Just an option that isn't commonly used.

  3. To be honest, all the other generic buildings within a trading company are worth the investment, so if you ever wonder what to spend the money on, it's that stuff!
    Additionally, yes, those pips look back but you have the men and you will be able to ensure victory in all your conquest (just ignore those yelling hobogoblins over there).

    Another thing, I think people keep forgetting, is that Plant Growth given to you from the mage estate is really powerfully, it basically turns those normal terrible goods into decent money crops and the plants that are valuable into powerhouses; The only place/nations that it sucks for is for in the Mountains since only Mushrooms and Seperntbloom are affected (because you only find metals in the mines).


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