Chef Craig Makes Golden Roast | Moon Pie Tasting | Mail Time | Bird Talk | Story Time #autisticadult

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22 thoughts on “Chef Craig Makes Golden Roast | Moon Pie Tasting | Mail Time | Bird Talk | Story Time #autisticadult”

  1. I was always curious how Craig handles himself around appliances such as the stove. I think he's allowed to handle prep work, but no knives or hot burners. Either way, Craig did more in this video than I did all week.

  2. I agree Nothing worse than millet! Just the big bird seed companies trying to fool all of us hahahaha wonder if Craig’s dad is also not a fan of starlings like me too

  3. You are taking me back to my childhood dredging the cubed steak in the flour. I can smell my mom's cooking. ❤ She'd put stewed tomatoes on top of ours with some sort of tomato sauce. I hated it. Now, I love it. 😊 I love yall's back porch and the bird knowledge from Joe. The Muppets shirt is super cute. What is yall's P.O. Box? Shrek is my favorite animated movie franchise. ❤ Livy is so cute with the duckies.❤ I use those biscuits. They are pretty good for frozen.

  4. Unrelated to this video…but I tried Taco Bell's pintos and cheese with onions today since I saw them on one of your others videos. So yummy!! 🙂


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