Chat Challenged Me To Beat Civ 6 with ONE City

#civilization6 #civ6 #whiteandnerdytv

When you chat challenges you to play a One City Challenge, who would you pick to deliver? Twitch chat picked Victoria Age of Steam for me, arguable one of the best for this type of challenge. Who else would you like to see in another challenge like this?

This event was recorded on TWITCH! If you enjoy live Civ 6 content, make sure to follow me on twitch:

If you have more Civ 6 questions or need help, feel free to join the discord:

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Want to know the mods I use? I only a variety of UI quality of life mods. Better Balanced Starts was not used in this save file. The steam list here is always up to date:

00:00 – Introduction
00:58 – Why Did We Pick Victoria?
02:11 – Turn 1
05:02 – Horses are a Girls Best Friend
08:31 – ITS RIGGED!
10:17 – These Tiles are TOO Good
14:58 – One Continent Challenge?
18:04 – The Quest for Oracle
22:04 – Next Up TOA!
25:52 – The MOST important District in the Game
29:40 – Apadana Is MASSIVE if we can
35:05 – That Production Number tho
37:57 – The Secret Play of a OCC
41:21 – The Most Necessary District in a OCC
43:54 – Alliances are KEY
46:56 – Best Wonder in the Game
51:17 – Beneficial 4th Ring
54:40 – Getting the Most out of Amani
58:33 – Follow me on TWITCH

Fantastic music by:
Mist3r Beats

Lofi Girl


6 thoughts on “Chat Challenged Me To Beat Civ 6 with ONE City”

  1. I have a couple thousand hours in Civ 6 so it's been a long time since I've learned something new, but I didn't know about the culture cost not increasing when buying tiles. Cheers for that! Love your energy man!


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