Chaos Space Marines Units Tier List – the Best and Strongest of the Codex!

Let’s talk Chaos Marines, and which units and datasheets are shaping up to be the best…

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0:00 Intro
1:27 Tier 4
3:08 Tier 3
8:00 Tier 2
20:01 Tier 1
31:48 Tier of Chaos Ascendant


31 thoughts on “Chaos Space Marines Units Tier List – the Best and Strongest of the Codex!”

  1. Why can't the Defiler get a little love? For Khorns sake it's been on the receiving end of the nerf stick for multiple editions. It's an icon. It's the first demon engine. Make defliling good again…

  2. Hellbrutes are a clean tier 2 unit in slannash the ability for 1 Cp to get either extra meltas or lascannons or that garentee 6 is very powerful. that coupled with its on self rule where if its hurt it rerolls 1s to wound and with fire frenzy makes it a scary "you ,ust kill it in one shot" target prority specially if its armed witha scourge for melee etc.

  3. Any of these guys work reasonably well synergising into Death Guard? In particular Master of Execution or Possession? Are allies still not worth taking with DG? I can barely keep up, lol.
    If not, love the models (not really looked at them before, lol) and might 'counts as' something else with some light kitbash or conversion.

  4. Yo… Auspex… where is your ranking of:
    Chaos Raptor Fire Ship
    Chaos Eagle Ship
    Chaos Achilles Tank
    Chaos Falchion Tank
    Greater Brass Scorpion
    Kytan Ravager?????

    ….. don’t be like the other 50 YouTubers on here doing Chaos Space Marine tier lists the last 4 weeks…
    Go for the gold man! Do the ENTIRE list!!! Love ya bro!

  5. One note on the Bikers: I've found really good use for them in Word Bearers. They're the fastest unit that can take an icon, meaning they can jump into the middle to get a quick Turn 1 tally on the WB Dark Gods unique secondary. Hugely beneficial to maxing out that secondary.

  6. Funny thing, because of the marks you can run chaos daemons alongside current csm and if you have a mark of nurgle discordant with fleshy abundance+pact of flesh+daemon engine you can heal him 2d3+1 in a single turn and thats not comboing with wlt and relics

  7. Could you do a tier list/strengths and weakness for Disciples of Be'lakor. I'm gonna get be'lakor but dont know which units to include since there are so many options i mainly pickes chaos space marines.

  8. I have my doubts this dex will remain this potent, the daemonkin especially are no doubt going to see a sizable hike. I'm predicting at the very least possessed go from 28ppm to about 35ppm perhaps even 40ppm as their profile is eerily similar to deathshroud but with slightly worse melee and not as good defensive profile.
    Oblits likely climbing to 110 per model?

    And then changes to MoP powers with the key one pact of flesh being changed from D3 wounds AND 1 model to D3 wounds OR 1 model or perhaps making it a cast of 10+ for both. Idk, just stuff like Ulloca seem too good to just be left there, it's a good book but I'm holding back before committing till first balance slate

  9. One question about Abaddon.
    There are some relics/auras/upgrades that cancel units abilitys to prevent wounds. Does this apply to Abaddons "no more than 3 wounds per turn" rule?

  10. Regarding the noctilith crown: the cp farm can be done by a darknapostle or a traitoris astartes psyker unit. Which means a 5 man legionaire squad with the book can camp the backfield objective while farming cp.

  11. Small Correction: Raptors can't get their attacks to S5 AP-2 with Mark of Khorne because they can't take the Icon. Icon gives the Ap, and the Mark gives Strength on charge. Attacks on Raptors are only ever, at best, S5 AP-1 on the charge.

  12. How do you justify putting the Chaos FW units in Tier 2 while Martial Legacy still exists? In Nephilim the utility of taking a Contemptor for almost 200 points but needing to pay 1CP is hard to justify with other options for Elite slot that are similar benefit for the same cost with no CP tax.

  13. I'd argue bikers deserve low tier 2. In my Night lords list I sometimes run 5 of them with chainswords and 2 with combi flamers. Against anything other than space marines i'd run them with a mark of Tzeentch and icon for the extra AP, meaning they get 24 boltgun shots at range (30' range and AP-2 with demon shells strategem) and 2D6 +4 AP-1 flamer shots too if they're within 12'. This makes them a tough, fast and quite nasty anti infantry unit that will definitely annoy your opponent enough to make him have to deal with them. Not bad for 180pts. Against space marines with their armour of contempt im torn between Nurgle or Khorne marks with icons. Auto wounding boltguns on 6's is nice for their shot volume, and being a bit tougher is always good. That being said if you're playing an army you want to get up close to, 21 chainsword attacks at S5 AP-2 is arguably better.

    Other than that I'd say this is an accurate review. I've shaped a list for this Wednesday around your analysation, and will be running a 10 man termi squad with base loadout and the black rune of damnation, mark or slaanesh and a termi lord, sorceror lord, master of possession and master of executions beatstick accompaniment. The aim will be to keep the Terminator brick buffed with Mutated invigoration for T5, Delightful agonies and prescience.


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