|Chaos Night: AMONG US| Tasking for days

Among Us #girlgamer #varietystreamer #gamingwithfriends

Being Mighty Sus with the Chaos Crew! @WarWolfGaming @SillyQuip4 @Steelshark1565 @thegamingburger115 @Toxic Death INC @verifiedmisfit8979 @LycanWaterBoy Twitch.tv/LycanWaterBoy

Rules: Don’t Ask to Join. We Select our Lobby list ahead of time and occassionally add friends & regulars last minute. There is NO Grouping, we will ban you if we catch you of this. Mute when dying. Only constant chat privileges goes to me the streamer. This is a stressful game full of lies and distrust, do not take the passions of other players personally. No fighting over a game!! Besides that please… HAVE FUN!!!! Let the Chaos ensue!!!!

|FT since AUG 2021|

~ The Epitome of a Cracked Out VARIETY STREAMER!! Manifesting to become a Full Time Creator to continue to do what I love! You name it I play it! FPS, MMOs, RPGs & most things y’all suggest too!

~ ❤️‍🔥Owner of Chaos Pods
~ ⚡️Raze Energy & ReppSports ✨R&D✨
~ 🎮 Esports Manager
~ 💎 FreshCut Creator ‼️Partnered‼️
– 🧟‍♀️ IAS PodCast ✨Guest Speaker✨

~ Who am I? A Crazy Plant lady🍃 who loves to GAME! Mental Health Advocate⚕️, who loves to EAT🌯. A Creator in love with Fur Babies🦮 & can’t wait to get to know y’all!
~ I’m here to have some laughs, be myself, & put smiles on a whole lot of faces. Hell If I can make a viewer’s day better every time I stream, I’m happy!

**ALL ARE WELCOME🌎! MY CONTENT is not for everyone! I have a spicy🌶 vocabulary & I’m vocal about hot🔥topics.**


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