Change the date activists ‘don’t want to celebrate Australia whatsoever’

Institute of Public Affairs Research Fellow Saxon Davidson has hit out at Dick Smith’s calls to change the date because it would “concede ground” to activists who don’t want to “celebrate Australia whatsoever”.

Entrepreneur and former Australian of the Year Dick Smith has joined in calls for Australia Day to be renamed.

He said, ‘I think we could have this First Fleet Day and also change the date of Australia Day to something else that’s more inclusive.’

“I’m not in favour of changing the date or the name of Australia Day because it is actually conceding ground to these activists who don’t want to celebrate Australia whatsoever,” Mr Davidson told Sky News host Liz Storer.

“You can’t concede ground; we must remain on January 26 as the majority of Australians wish it to be.”


22 thoughts on “Change the date activists ‘don’t want to celebrate Australia whatsoever’”

  1. These activists want nothing to do with Australia Day; yet, they have no qualms, as a minority, wanting to bludge off all public resources available to them as an ‘Australian.’

    If anything, it should be called ‘Inhospitable Day,’ instead of Invasion Day, by these activists, as they aren’t too inviting or hospitable to anyone beyond themselves.

  2. Change the date – wont solve the problem. Whatever date you move Australia Day to – they will still want to protest. This is the group that could not get it's way through the voice campaign – now running around – carrying on nothing suits them.

    Even if the voice vote had been YES – they would have wanted Australia Day gone.

    The people who started this are labor – and it's labor problem – to get it's useful idiots – under control.

  3. These people should blame the person who put small pox infected blankets on Balmoral beach behind arthur Phillips back. That's what killed thousands of aboriginal people. A criminal not the British government who instructed Arthur Phillip to build amity with the local inhabitants and to treat them with kindness.

  4. What is more inclusive than 26th January – on this day we ALL became Australian citizens under the National and Citizenship Act and no longer British subjects of the Commonwealth. Just wondering if those Anti-Australian activists are going to ask the indigenous players of cricket, tennis golf, rugby, league and football – to stop playing British colonial sports? If you don’t like the day the British came it’s a bit hypocritical to play the sports they brought with them.

  5. Hateful people who have no souls or much of any good in their minds CCP education who know no truth no history not the real history you got your history from your own imagination you have all forgotten about the Bible and God you would prefer a fake prophet like Muhammad

  6. The insane far-left Socialists (Communists) are behind a multi million dollar funding for their radical activists to infiltrate western countries and incite division…

    Global Agenda Funding for BLM, Extinction Rebellion, Antifa, etc.

  7. What about a PM who isn't in support of Australia Day!

    Are we mad Australia?

    No genuine debate has really ever taken place concerning Australia Day, ever. Oh sure there’s been a great deal of politicking, activism, advocacy, championing, and virtue signalling heavy crusading, but no debate.

    And all together throughout Australia’s media, predominantly our national debate has been the ongoing postmodern Ruling Classes, pushing its own interpretation, contrivance of Australian history. It's a colossal injustice and a gross display of ingratitude to the millions of early Australians (including aboriginals) who toiled, suffered and literally died in order to build this nation into a modern, successful country.

    It’s currently an unusual instance that two beliefs, interpretations can be of importance and value. Or that they can both have merit. That said, in the case of Australia Day it doesn’t seem very reasonable, or objective for a small minority to be so prominent within this discussion. While historically any group being mistreated is loathsome, this hardly elevates descendants of any perceived wrongdoing.

    Human history is almost entirely made up of differing groups of humans mistreating one another. Yet finding any specific case of this abounding wrongdoing, to attack a celebration that is inclusive across the board embracing all Australians is clearly self-regarding and malicious.

    Fantasising about what ifs really isn’t responsible, balanced, or psychologically sound for that matter, it’s about time the Left grew up, and stopped pretending up was always down, and that history, global advancement has ever been about generosity indulgence.

    This is a day for all Australians to proudly celebrate, and throughout my life we have.

    Why has it become an issue (a grievance)?

    A radical few who teach hatred, unkindness, and aggression, encouraging division disagreement, conflict, dissension for their own arrangements, and game plans.

    And they have been embraced by elites who feel their Voices are the loudest so they are merited in their unkindness and conflict.

    They care nothing for genuine history, or even the cultures of unfeigned indigenous tribes of which there were many hundreds, now only a shadow of recently introduced: smoking ceremonies, ‘Welcome’ to countries, and ‘Acknowledgement’ of Country… factitious plastic spectacles ‘*traditions’ overflowing with nastiness, shamelessness, and complete disrespectfulness of Australia’s European heritage.

    Australia has spoken, yet we are not, and have not been heard.

    While this radical few who teach hatred, and unkindness have been given ever increasing power, gifts, provisions, and benefaction.

    Time for a national reconsideration on the broad rights and obligations of all Australians in Australia, and a re-evaluation of the current preferential treatment, and actions towards Aboriginal and or Torres Strait Islander’s. Australia must embrace once again national equality, egalitarianism, fairness, justness, and equitability.

    The moment Australia stepped over the line from equality to a favoured group, we took a massive misstep. We must walk back this shallowness and clear stupidity.

    Honestly embracing a group's cultural ancestry to such an aggressive degree, and using this cultural ancestry as an excuse, is clearly pretty racist.

    Equally blaming some other culture, and those belonging to this differing cultural ancestry is clearly and unquestionably racist.

    Equality, egalitarianism, fairness, justness, and equitability are non-discriminatory, evenhanded, and unprejudiced.

    The opinion that the colour of your skin, or the antecedents of an individual are the defining factors is narrow-minded, backwards, bigoted, racist, discriminatory, prejudiced, unfair, and insulting. Yet it's been the dominant thinking in the Australian government, Universities, the Australian media, (particularly the ABC) and general public discourse for decades. This retrogressive, confused, righteous stupidity has to be walked back. Australia will be burning witches again if this level of ‘objectiveness’ and ‘honesty’ continues.

    Bring Australia together. Australia is for all Australians equally, with objectivity, fairness, impartiality, and even-handedness.❤🇦🇺🦘

    *only decades old, and established evident: fakery, acts, charades, cons, facades, and deceits.


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