Cerberus Headquarters!! | Mass Effect 3 Ep.31 | Legendary Edition |

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Amazing Contributors

Anna D. | Ad | Alectras Shadow | Al C. | James S. | BigBrain69 | Chris H. |Judge B. | Gregory S. | Jake F. | Kaim | MattyK | Matt RD | Paul Ph. | Squallfie66 | Robert G. | Sam St. | Waylander | Sha-1 | Stacey L. | Timothy M. | Vyarah | YaBoiDawson | Daniel A. | Ella Quinn L. | Greg S. | Mark W. | Marcus L.B. | Joe C. | Moricant | MyBubbaMatt | Pete T. | Willis M. | Quantum | Steffen S. | Zack | Scribbling Joe |The Dumpling | Andrew T | Jonesy | Sleems Mcgee | Dennis Hawisher |

In Loving Memory of Fred


21 thoughts on “Cerberus Headquarters!! | Mass Effect 3 Ep.31 | Legendary Edition |”

  1. You're using a shotgun with little accuracy. Up close it's fine, but even at mid-range it pretty much sucks. Combined with a slow fire rate and I believe diminishing damage at range, it isn't the best choice of weapons except for when you charge at close range.

  2. I'm on the independence seven and already I know I'm loving this video. As usual it's because of you and the display of emotions: I love how indecisive excited you are before starting the mission.

  3. You missed a great line by Garrus as you finished the conversation about the Proto-Reaper. A Phantom swoops in and comment by Garrus is perfect: Leave it to Cerberus to bring a knife to a gunfight. An obvious ding against the fact that Phantoms use swords at close range where as Garrus loves his weapons.


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