The Ten Best Lists in Warhammer 40K? Top Armies from the HUGE Tournaments this Weekend…

Let’s take a quick look through the army lists that the best players in the world are using to reach the top of the biggest 40K tournaments out there!

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0:00 Intro
1:45 Necrons – Canoptek Court
3:51 Astra Militarum
5:52 Aeldari
8:02 Adeptus Mechanicus
10:52 T’au Empire
13:53 Thousand Sons
15:41 Necrons – Hypercrypt
18:41 Chaos Daemons
20:26 Black Templars – Ironstorm
23:46 Leagues of Votann
25:49 Adeptus Custodes
28:13 Outro


45 thoughts on “The Ten Best Lists in Warhammer 40K? Top Armies from the HUGE Tournaments this Weekend…”

  1. CORRECTION: The 'Draught of Terror' stratagem is re-roll wound rolls for the Daemons (not +1 to wound as I said). Thanks to Mr Leonard for pointing that out to me. Looks potentially terrifying with those juggernauts, particularly as it also gives all the attacks extra AP regardless of battleshock.

    Put 20 warriors, Imotekh, Plasmancer, 2 Thralls inside of a Night Scythe.
    T1 play
    Drop them, shoot, beam them back up.
    That’s just a little one for fun from me to you

  3. I do like the variety necron list. I know there was another 3 stack hypercrypt C’tan list I do like when people notice the canoptekh court. The index detachment with silent king giving re roll ones is goated. Immortals re-rolling 1’s hitting on 2’s with 5 and 6 lethal with plasmancer is narly

  4. Just a point, the Necrons player from Adepticon was… well, I wouldn't say cheating, but "heavily helped by his misunderstanding of the rules".

    He was playing Warriors as BS3 (which they were in the Index) instead of BS4 (which they are in the Codex).
    He was counting 5s as hits on Overwatch.
    He was rerolling hits every turn, not just when the Warriors showed up.

    He also was kind of a jerk to the Thousand Sons player he "beat" to get into the top 4. Just wanted to add a comment because people who try his list and play by the rules likely aren't going to see the same "success" he did.

  5. Just some feedback:

    When making these videos, I'd say that these types of videos (10 Best Lists in WH40K specifically) would be more beneficial if it specified which format they occur in.

    Based on my interactions online with other players (Both US and UK) our playstyles and List builds do differ in many key areas.

  6. 2 autarchs in the aeldari list is a waste since the autarch only gives CP if its your warlord and is on the battlefield.
    Lone operarive and decent move for secondaries i guess but 100% not for cp if your warlord autarch dies.

  7. Could Space Wolves run an Iron Storm list??? Instead of just some techmarines, you could run Bjorn and two iron priests then use Grey Hunters or Wolf Guard for your infantry. Then Ven/Wulfen Dreads for some extra muscle with axe and shield…. Just spit balling ideas honestly.

  8. Darkstrider can sometimes also start the game in a Devilfish – he’s got Scout, so he gives it to the fish.

    There’s a trick being used at some tournaments where infiltrating, scouting pathfinders start in the midfield to screen and darkstrider starts in a Devilfish at home, then during scout moves, the Devilfish scouts forwards, then the pathfinders scout backwards and get into the fish.

    Here, given no pathfinders, I suspect they may have had Darkstrider in a fish, scouted that forwards, then have some Breachers move forwards in turn 1, get in the fish, then the Devilfish moves – it would allow more Devilfish movement on turn 1, assuming you didn’t want to disembark your Breachers yet.

    Haven’t seen any of these games, but this might’ve been something they were doing with Darkstrider sometimes!

  9. I never trust these lists. I need a battle report from the same person running the same list over more than just 7 games. 20-30 maybe. Hard to tell with the way GW panic nerfs stuff. Just feels like flavor of the month stuff here.

  10. That Shaun Reynold list shouldnt be on here. He cheated so hard. Gave the warriors 3+ BS, thought they moved 6". Used out of phase rules in overwatch. Aggressively pressured his Tsons opponent with lies over how many units he killed in previous rounds claiming he killed more than he did to swing an objective. The game was a joke. He even said he would concede if the "tape" proved him wrong. Guess that never happened. You can watch the game on wargames live as it was streamed.

  11. David Gaylard's guard list runs the Lord Solar alone and puts Creed in the Infantry Squad to dish out a free Fields of Fire every turn indirectly with a mortar. He doesn't bother with trying to get two orders on the Kasrkin. Lord Solar hides in the back and orders the artillery.

  12. As is often the case with other games there seems to be a lot of downplaying of the players and up selling of the factions.
    Only Custodes and Necrons are really on the radar (and with good cause) for being overpowered but still are only 3 of 10 of these top lists. Things like Guard certainly are a surprise to see here. I also notice Adepta Sororitas have fallen off the top spot they held for like a day. The lists are interesting because they are often well composed and competitive but really the pilots needs some recognition too.

  13. Overall, most armies are in the Goldilocks Zone from a 1000ft view, the game is mad unhealthy though. Most every faction has only a single list worth anything and most of those lists costs a ton. Especially the SadMec. The game has a long way to go before its truly healthy. It shouldn't take the worlds most amazing player in the world to make a faction win.


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