Caught on camera: Drive-by shootings, fights near Houston-area high school

Nearby businesses, parents and residents say these incidents happen when school is dismissed and believe students are involved.


34 thoughts on “Caught on camera: Drive-by shootings, fights near Houston-area high school”

  1. STUPID PEOPLE โ˜๏ธ๐Ÿง, "FACT" we already passed tougher laws on guns & drugs and it's at the highest level in history and CLIMBING. You can't stop difficult social issues that took DECADES to build with a simple law. YOU NEED TO ADDRESS THE ROOT CAUSE,,

  2. Welcome to the 3rd world and anarchy. Democrat controlled areas are filled with crime. The state needs to take control of the schools and the National Guard control of Houston. Open up a detention camp for the feral parents and children.

  3. Must be all the legal firearms owners? Truth is illegal guns come from basement drug dealers across our open border from thefts and, of course, straw purchases. But nothing about this involves legal firearms owners. And you can say it is all about gangs. But at the heart of all is illegal drugs and the money. Stop the flow of illegal drugs, and money dries up, and it will stop. Our politicians know this. But do nothing but make it worse so they can use it to advance their agenda against politicians' greatest fear law-abiding armed citizens. If our politicians really cared about any of this, they could stop it.

  4. This is happening because these democrats are letting these thugs/criminals out of jail like a revolving door. They arent scared to commit crimes because they know they will be out of jail in hours with a slap on the wrist

  5. The guy who wrote Dilbert is 1000000% right. Look it up. Watch it. Apply it. It is now obvious they have a "brain" that is predisposed to violence , aggression, no sympathy, no remorse. Stay tf away from them.


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