Catching Up with MONARCH Legacy of Monsters | Ep 4 6 Review

Kaiju, controversy, and commentary. Omni finally has time to get back to Monarch, but is it okay?

Occult Mafia 2: Hoofprints and Lace:
Assorted Absurdities:
Emerald of Madoc City:
Occult Mafia:
Operation Red Dragon:




#monarchlegacyofmonsters #godzilla #monsterverse #kaiju #gojira #godzillakingofthemonsters #monarch #godzillaxkongthenewempire


23 thoughts on “Catching Up with MONARCH Legacy of Monsters | Ep 4 6 Review”

  1. Spoilers

    Episode 4: It was alright. I love the Frost Vark's power of heat absorption.
    It was nice seeing how Kentaro and May met, though it wasn't that relevant to the main plot. But I like that they are building up their characters, so they all have personality, backstories, etc.
    We saw Cate, Shaw, now it was May's and Kentaro's turn. Though, May's backstory is still shady.
    Kentaro going on his own felt too forced imo. And the hallucinations were weird.
    The episode also has a Godzilla 2014 parallel. Shaw distracts the Frost Vark with an explosion similar to how Ford distracted the female Jinshin Mushi with one.
    Not very eventful episode but I liked the ending.
    Was that a Hollow Earth entrance?
    I'm excited to see what happens next now that Monarch has caught up to the group. 7/10.

    Episode 5: It was fine. No monster action but fine human drama. First canonically LGBT character in the MV. I like the small world building but wish they addressed Titan radiation. I liked that Shaw questioned the "Let them fight" decision but wish that was debated more. 7/10

    Episode 6: REALLY good episode. Good to see Godzilla both in the past and present. Maybe he’s going after the Frost Vark? The CGI is AMAZING. Good sense of scale, all of that. Wonder what he was doing buried there though.
    I like the concept of rogue Monarch members.
    Nice reference to the ORCA device.
    I get the expression that the whole mystery is taking long to unfold, but I think we are gonna get a lot of answers next episode. It seems a Mass Awakening is about to occur, for some reason.
    Would be cool if they revealed Skar King attempted it and the characters of the show prevented it.
    I don't think Shaw is evil, I think he just wants to help Godzilla defeat the Titans that emerge, not help him destroy the world like Cate probably interpreted it.
    Cool to see Hiroshi is alive, can't wait to see his reunion with his children.
    I'm really curios now to see May's full backstory.
    Now I’m thinking Hiroshi is actually Keiko and Shaw’s kid. Which would explain why Bill Randa looks sort of depressed and is fat during the events of KSI.
    Cool to see that the MV hasn’t forgotten about the Brody family.
    Anyway overall the show has been fun to catch. 8/10

  2. Something very Very intriguing I just noticed, There was a new monarch: legacy of monsters trailer and at 0:37 showcases ancient and mythological art and shows titans from Godzilla 2019 like Quetzalcoatl, sekhmet, and Yamata no orochi, and others and new ones like a ceratopsian unicorn titan, and shows the cryptid based titan Mokele mbembe the Carnivorous sauropod dinosaur titan with a horn and sail on the back, also shows some kinda Godzilla or depiction of Godzilla but this is where it gets very intriguing at 0:43 in the video it shows ancient art work of GORGO!?!! 👀 it’s shows gorgo!, it has the fish fin like ears, large arms, a tail, larger teeth, and other features as well like a Godzilla like silhouette and unique textures. Hopefully gorgo will be in future monsterverse films and in future monarch legacy of monster seasons, and have a fire based atomic breath that would be cool! Very intriguing that gorgo has been hinted at in the monsterverse. Also the trailer is called
    Monarch: Legacy of Monsters — What You Need to Know | Apple TV+
    Where the cast talk about the show.
    The ancient art of gorgo is shown at exactly 0:43 seconds in the video.
    But it would be cooler if gorgo got a Godzilla minus one like Remake same with other classic kaijus

  3. I don’t mind that Cate is gay (she’s attractive at least), and I’ll at least give credit where due in that she admits she’s a terrible person and a hypocrite and doesn’t justify any of it, something the majority of woke writers wouldn’t dare do. Also it is pretty amusing to me that all the “pride” places got obliterated by the titans. However I will counter that by saying the way the characters are written (besides Lee at least) could’ve been done better and it sadly shows considering there’s way too many writers and one of them is unfortunately Mari Tamaki (a YA writer and an absolutely atrocious one who cannot write people to such a degree that Hayao Miyazaki’s head would explode).

  4. The only part that I found slightly pandering was when they showed the pride flag in a shot and they linger on that shot for a bit. Almost as a way to say "see!? Its gay!". Honestly it is a minor nitpick but its kinda jarring that we can see a genuine lesbian relationship and then the shot tries to hammer it in as if the audience couldn't tell they were gay.

  5. Personally I really wanted to like this show, and the concept was very intriguing, but the main trio just aren’t enjoyable for me to watch. They started out unlikable and uncompelling, and as the show goes on I just dislike them more and more instead of them becoming more likable. Unlikable protagonists can work, but these characters have nothing for me to grab onto.

    Are they meant to be relatable? Cause all I’m getting from them is that they’re the sort of people I’d dislike being around, and spending free time watching them meanly snark at each other got old really fast. Maybe if this was a film the shorter run time would make it bearable, but a full length show makes it really hard to want to continue to put up with them. Don’t know if I’ll even finish the show, much less tuning in for future seasons of these characters. Shame, cause I’ve been a monsterverse completionist up until now, but do I really want to keep wasting my time with something I don’t like?

    At least the stuff in the 50s is cool, and Kurt Russell is fun as always. They’re the only things keeping me watching at the moment.

  6. KDM tweeted out if Monarch Legacy of Monsters season 2 does get green light it would take place in 2017 so maybe we could get a bonus episode after the season finale where our main characters are trying to survive during the events of 2019. We could see some of the titans that were mentioned in kotm

  7. Yeah. This is has always been an ISSUE with this type of TV Show. Aka Sci Fi/Monster/Action Shows. All 3 of those things Cost Money to Do! So yeah. Getting episodes dedicated to Relationship Nonsense are just a given. Sadly the more Modern the Show, the more of this NONSENSE we seem to get.

  8. I’ll be honest, when I saw that gay flag at the coffee shop immediately after they kissed, it did seem like the writers were putting it in your face saying, “look how gay these characters are, isn’t representation great”! You know the old pandering we have been seeing Hollywood doing these days were the real world has people like this but the way they use their sexuality almost comes across as arbitrarily putting it on the character but that is about. They don’t do anything else with it, they just put it in there to score ESG points.

    But then when I saw how she cheated on her girlfriend and how it almost mirrors her father’s behavior tells me that this is a character flaw and they are not just using her sexuality just to pander. And the whole pride flag at the coffee shop could easily be explained just by the location they are in. It’s set in California lol.

  9. I've been so focused and hooked on Godzilla: Minus One, Monarch Legacy of Monsters has been an afterthought for me, plus another series I follow just released another season and that has been a banger so far, Reacher. Plus, Episode 3 (The last one I watched of Monarch) wasn't all that impressive from my part, and word of mouth is Episodes 4-6 aren't any better, it gets worse. Not to mention the controversy you talk about that blew up on social media about what happens with one of the characters in one of those episodes, literally all spoiled for me. Still have to see if it is a problem or not.

  10. I don’t support the character being a lesbian due to my Christian values, but I don’t think it ruins the show. It would however be a sad state of affairs if the Monsterverse started going in the direction of pandering.

  11. In my opinion, you could’ve showed Cate cheating without making her a lesbian. To me, making her a lesbian is just to get representation in the show, checking a box. It would give the series more attention and discussion, especially in the middle of the series, focusing on the weakest story of the series. I rather see more of Monarch, Kurt Russell, the 1950s flashbacks, and a continuation of the plot. They’re pretty much setting up May and Cate to get together.


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