Catching the Coyote who ate my Chickens. (By Hand)

Again: DO NOT attempt anything you see In this vidya.

Enjoy your Regularly scheduled seratonin 👨🏻‍🌾🤝

Warm Regards,
Uncle Farmer Dad Ben 👨🏻‍🌾🤝

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23 thoughts on “Catching the Coyote who ate my Chickens. (By Hand)”

  1. Did you even bother to give the coyote anything to drink or eat? I understand that you don't want them to associate humans with food, but the poor thing was obviously thin and weak from lack of sustenance.

  2. when i lived in NM a coyote ended up living in the ditch like just 50 feet away from our house. apparently, moms dont want their kids to be feeding wild animals their dinner. took all my fun, man. but honestly the way you dealt with this was just so wholesome.

  3. "A normal coyote wouldn't be acting this way". I think that you're probably right – not only by my own experience with animals but also by what certainly seems to be your own empathetic ability to also "listen" to what animals are "saying"- that a coyote would not normally be so willing to submit……………..that said, I think that a large portion of her response is NOT ONLY circumstance (the drought, the preponderance of food and water on your property, etc) but also the manner in which you act: you clearly treat non-human animals with the kind of dignity, respect, and understanding that so few humans are capable of achieving.

    That is to say: I don't think you're incorrect about many circumstantial details defining that young lady coyote's response………..but I think that, also, a very large portion of it has to do with the fact that you are very clearly demonstrating a kind of understanding and empathy that a nice young lady like herself is able to appreciate and work around. For sake of example, let me ask you this: If she truly thought her survival or well-being, EVEN IN THE ABSENCE OF CHILDREN TO PROTECT/FEED, was in question………do you really think she would act so calmly? We both know she wouldn't; she acts so docile because she (not incorrectly) understands your peaceful intentions.

    While I think it is responsible and reasonable for you to iterate and reiterate "don't do this at home", for all those typical human sociopaths who no longer have access to the fundamental survival trait known as "empathy" (reading one's environment and the actors in it), the simple fact of the matter is that -not only is that lady coyote is dire survival straits, but she know's your intentions aren't malignant.

    Thanks for not being a total cunt (easier though that would have been). That is, unfortunately, a rarity among our species in present day and age, and I thank you for being decent and survivally capable (any creature that loses it's empathy, loses its ability to interact with and predict its environment, is a foregone conclusion of extinction).

  4. what a pretty coyote 🙂 but yeah something not right with the poor thing… or maybe now this is only a small possibility… KEVIN broke it lol 🙂 that dinosaur is nuts lol:)


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