'Shocking and worrying': Ex-British spy chief reacts to Trump's remark

Sir Richard Dearlove, the former Chief of the British Secret Intelligence Service, discusses former President Donald Trump’s remark about NATO which has cast doubt on Trump’s commitment to the longstanding defense alliance. #CNN #News


23 thoughts on “'Shocking and worrying': Ex-British spy chief reacts to Trump's remark”

  1. The arms manufacturers will never let that happen. Most NATO countries have contracts for aircraft,tanks,fighting vehicles,missile systems etc from the US. They would not be happy if the contracts were cancelled because the US was no longer a reliable ally. The NATO countries can find alterative sources for their requirements among themselves and other countries who would jump at the chance to aquire lucrative contracts.

  2. Mr Trump—- straight plain talker — follow the money trail — who really benefits from this splurge of America's wealth on this carry-on???
    To whom and where does this drain empty out ??,,
    Should be kept at home in America to assist in redevoping its great country.

  3. So Trumps remarks are shocking here in Europe. So you can ask yourself if you would like the Europeans to develop their own nuclear defense? Do you think that this is something that makes the world more safe? Trump is provoking the creation of another major nuclear power in the world. Is this something you want? And by "you" I mean the Americans?

  4. Another question to the Americans. Why is it that we don't see people out in the streets in the millions? I can't see how this has come so far. A guy that has provoked an insurrection on the Capitol is only qualified for jail, and should have been there already. It's treason.

  5. Why should anyone listen to Trump, does he "pay" his bills? Apparently not, bc he has filed bankruptcy at least once for every decade of his adult life?!! People should not listen to what he says, but watch what he has done and is doing! He is a "career criminal!". The people he surrounds himself with are of the same caliber as he. Nuff said!

  6. Remember when you were a kid and your mom said something like, "You haven't cleaned your room in six weeks. I swear, if you don't do it this weekend, I'm going to kill you!"? You knew she didn't mean it, right? You wouldn't have gone round the neighborhood telling everyone that you mom was going to kill you, would you? You know that Trump sometimes says things for effect, right? You know not to take everything he says literally, right?

  7. Article 5 was used only once after 9/11, rest of NATO member stand together to protect USA. To have peace – we need to be ready for war . Let’s say only 0,001 % chances exist that in 2025 Russia attack Latvia 🇱🇻, China attack Taiwan 🇹🇼 and other wars ( as many dictators at our planet ) What will Trump do ? Collecting bills ?


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