Cat Cafe Manager (2022) | A small review and my opinion about the game

Cat Cafe Manager is a cozy management simulation game from developer Roost Games and publisher Freedom Games. The game is also available on Nintendo Switch.


17 thoughts on “Cat Cafe Manager (2022) | A small review and my opinion about the game”

  1. I paid $24 (au dollar), and its shocking. Cute game, but the constant crashing its annoying. Hopefully improves soon, I really should've looked at reviews first before buying, but I'm in iso so I'm bored haha

  2. Just bought and played it until it crashed. I was having fun as I played the first couple hours, but started noticing the glitches pretty quick. Can’t even play the game anymore without starting a new file. Real bummer! Hope they fix it…

  3. Idk why game Devs seem to think because it's on switch they can push any half baked crap it hugely goes against them because reviews reflect a poor game either by bugs or performance people watch these then forget about the game, so now the game Devs possibly patch out the problems (or maybe they think theyl fix it later) but it's already to late coz the reviews are based on first impressions and if it's not a good one they've lost sales.

  4. You know the devs are working hard on patching the game. Nintendo just makes the process a little longer then Steam does when getting patches out to the game and people. They have a very responsive team that is on Discord that talk through the bugs with people and are very transparent about what is wrong and is being worked on and what patches will be coming out next and are also taking suggestions for future updates. I know the game is buggy but I still highly recommend it.


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