Castlevania Chronicles II Simon's Quest release trailer

Castlevania Chronicles II – Simon’s Quest is a remake of Castlevania II – Simon’s Quest on the NES.
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Currency system – no more using hearts for currency and subweapons.

Mansions – each mansion is different and doesn’t take influence from the original game, other than title. Each mansion will have it’s own boss to fight to get all of Dracula’s Remains.

Save/Load system – no more passwords. Save points are scattered throughout the game.

Additional Subweapons – the Axe and Cross have been added.
Cycling has been streamlined by using the LB/RB.

Controller Support – compatible with any PC controller that is recognized with XBOX drivers. Rumble support added.

World Map – added to help keep track of where you are going!

Remixed OST – a blend of metal + orchestra containing the games OST as well as various other tracks from other CV titles.

Slide – allows you to slip past enemies and bosses to keep you from getting cornered as easily.

FMV – Fully 3D cutscenes

Multiple Endings

Updated NPC and dialogue – NPC’s actually provide useful information that help you out.

Priests – In each church the priest will sell you the max amount of hearts

Be sure to check back for further updates!!!
This is a FAN-GAME, made by a fan, FOR THE FANS.
Warmachine Studios 2023
All rights reserved by Konami.


48 thoughts on “Castlevania Chronicles II Simon's Quest release trailer”

  1. The remake we needed and never asked for. Thank you War Machine!!! For keeping the legend, the story, and most importantly this part of the community alive. Tonight will not be a terrible night to have a cures.

  2. The wait is indeed over, CastleVania Chronicle's II: Simon's Quest has finally fully released to the entire world & the OST to be downloaded as well.

    Love the artwork in the thumbnail. Including the front & back cover of the OST 💖, Maybe just maybe, You'll be able to make the CastleVania Chronicle's: Dracula's Curse OST to be downloadable too.

    After your Dracula's Curse remake is all polished up & the music is remastered as well, Looking forward for playing not only CVC2: Simon's Quest but the polished up CVC: Dracula's Curse as well in future.

  3. Just a few suggestions but have you considered adding a level up system (so Simon Belmont can become more powerful the more enemies he defeats) as well as Item Crashes (aka 1,000 Blades, Hydro Storm, Grand Cross, etc etc)? Also what about all the other Sub-Weapons like the stopwatch or maybe adding the ability to equip armor and stuff? Don't get me wrong it looks amazing but it could be so much more amazing ya knows?

  4. The game looks incredible no doubt. Though my hands hurt playing with a keyboard and don't have an Xbox controller. Will PS5 controller compatibility be a thing at some point? As well as toggable windowed mode, and changeable buttons for keyboard? I just can't get used to these controls lol

  5. If my favorite classic whip was included, it would be going 8 directions and function as a shield.

    Seriously, though, I've always thought that a Metroidvania Castlevania with a Whip Progression tree would be great; length extender, morning star, full direcitional control, the shield, the grappling hook and flame whip all as upgrades.

  6. I cant play with my afterglow controller of xbox one for pc, and with this control i can play all titles for pc.
    No puedo jugar con mi control afterglow de xbox one para pc, y con ese control puedo jugar todos los juegos que tengo para pc.
    Edit: ¿No se puede desactivar la vibración?
    ¿How can deactivated control rumble?

  7. This is the ranking here via fan games of Simon's Quest fan games here: Castlevania Chronicles II: Simon's Quest , Castlevania 2: The Seal Of The Curse , Castlevania 2: Re-vamped (old but gold) , The Transylvania Adventure of Simon Quest (hope it gets finished someday) , Cainman's Dracula's Shadow and it's prequel (very old but still good) and lastly Re-bitten (which is now payware with awful non-configurable keyboard controls). It's fantastic work and thank you so much for this!!!!

  8. will this be available for mobile soon? I want to play this on-the-go. This is how good this game is. The whips are affordable by just playing the game.

    Edit: Idk if this game has a day and night cycle. Hope it's not.


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