The Untold Story of Queen Elizabeth II

Few royals in history lived a life as rich as this English queen. Today, we’ll be looking at the Amazing Life of Queen Elizabeth II. For this essay, we’ll be looking at the incredible moments, achievements, and milestones of the longest-reigning monarch in the history of the UK. What did you think of the Queen’s reign? Let us know in the comments below.

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43 thoughts on “The Untold Story of Queen Elizabeth II”

  1. She oversaw the pillaging of multiple African countries and lived off the wealth of those countries until she died. I hate everything about her and her Paedo inbred family. And people can say “she’s has no power, she’s just the head of state” it’s what she represents and what her country fight for. 12 million towards a victim of her son to keep him out of jail. Fuck her and may she burn to a crisp in hell.

  2. I am dismayed and annoyed that Watch Mojo would use "the untold truth" in the context of a video about Queen Elizabeth II. How can Watch Mojo – or any media outlet – possibly know anything different to what the rest of the world through documentaries and official press releases. It can't! Think of it this way: have these things (and I'm not going to lower myself to watch this video to see what they are) been revealed solely to Watch Mojo and no one else, so that Watch Mojo can proclaim these as untold "facts"? Watch Mojo, please don't stoop to the same level as other YouTube channels by using ridiculous headings in videos about the Royal Family, in particular the late Queen. You are better than that.

  3. Count on WatchMojo to make these damn videos to capitulate on major events, celebrities or major people dying.
    Of course you guys would make this type of video. So cringe of you.
    When some actor dies, count on them to make a video about their life or their "untold story"

  4. She was an unremarkable woman, in a pointless entitled position with a 39 Million dollar Hat! The Royals see the common people as nothing but cattle, and the gushing adulation over their Matriarch is a insanely ridiculous case of mass Stockholm Syndrome!

  5. … I am not a british nor living in the UK but I do now know why I am also distraught and dismayed upon learning of the QUEEN's passing! Maybe that is because she was indeed an amazing and beautiful person having an interesting life. May she now find true peace..

  6. Queen Elizabeth paid $20 million to a young woman who said she was trafficked and sold by Jeffrey Epstein and G Maxwell. The money was in exchange for her silence and the agreement to never prosecute her son for the crimes he committed against her.

    Prince Andrew flew on the Lolita express more than 18 times within a 12 year. and your precious queen bailed him out every time

  7. Let me tell you what I wish I'd known when I was young and dreamed of glory you have no control who lives who dies who tells your story president trump:ill give her this, her reign was full of success i wish I would've bowed and…I've tried who lives who dies who tells your story president Obama:she took her people from fear to happiness and prosperity I'd hate to admit it but she doesn't get enough credit for all the credit she gave them who lives who dies who tells your story who tells your story every other monarch's story gets told every other monarch gets to grow with their country and when your gone who remembers your name who keeps your flame who tells your story who tells your story Charles: put myself back in the narrative I stop wasting time on tears I live another 100 years its not enough I interview every soldier who fought by your side(he tells our story) I raise funds for the Elizabeth monument (he tells my story) I speak out against child abuse you could have done so much more if you only had time and when my time is up have I done enough will they tell your story?…..oh can I show you what I'm proudest of? (The royal school) I established the first royal school for lesser children I get to see them learn and grow in their eyes I see you mummy I see you everytime and when my time is up have I done enough will they tell our story? Oh I can't wait to see you again its only a matter of tiiiime(time) tiimmmee(who lives who dies who tells your story)

  8. Well that's one way to glamorize her and leave out ALL the terrible things her and the rest of the royal family have done/been a part of. Real one sided story Watch Mojo. Fxkn goofs.

  9. It seems unreal a week today we still had her until around 6pm tonight our time, as a Brit I'm not the biggest fan of the royals but I'm proud we've still got them and I really do believe that Charles will be a great King even if it's in the modern era he will do great till Willam ascends the throne in 20+ years then he will probably be my last king I'll see before I shall too perish, she was one of a kind and despite some of the bitterness between the family (who's family doesn't fight but not have the world having their opinion?) they've stood strong. So god bless the Queen and God save the king

  10. I thought this video was going to tell us how this bitch ran the largest opium trading business and how she started almost all the wars in the last 70 years to protect her profits. Or how she was convicted of kidnapping 10 kids, or how she was the head of the largest religious force on earth and used it to collect fees, taxes and tithings. Guess people don't care that they've been lied to and spoon fed false information.


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