[Capture of Lonely Worlds] Ackbar's Log Ep 31: Awakening of the Rebellion 2.9.3

The Alliance captures the last Corporate Sector world of Ession as well as the isolated systems of Lok and Kafrene.

0:00:00 Admiral’s Log/Intro
0:03:33 Galaxy Map
0:08:56 (Space) Battle of Ession
0:21:07 (Land) Liberation of Ession
0:35:01 Galaxy Map
0:37:15 (Space) Battle of Lok
0:46:34 (Land) Liberation of Lok
0:53:05 (Space) Battle of Manaan
1:01:18 (Space) Battle of Ring of Kafrene
1:13:15 Galaxy Map/Outro


1 thought on “[Capture of Lonely Worlds] Ackbar's Log Ep 31: Awakening of the Rebellion 2.9.3”

  1. (Interactable Comment, you can reply to this as yourself the Home One Commander or Admiral Ackbar or any Alliance High Command Officer

    Nice job liberating the rest of the planets whether Imperial or Independent!)

    <Jedi Knight Form>
    Name: Lancer Crowe

    Age: 34

    Gender: Male

    Force Sensitive?: Yes

    Alignment: Good, Light Side

    Species: Human

    Occupation: Previous Prince Royal Born at Shu-Torun, Now Jedi Knight

    Weaponry: Silver Hilt Lightsabre

    Clothing: Traditional Jedi Knight Clothing with Brown Cloak

    Mastery of the Force: 40% Unlocked

    Abilities: Force Push/Pull, Art of Movement, Precognition(Danger Sense), Standard Force Acrobatics(Ie Jump, Speed, Movement, Parkour),

    Lightsabre Combat Mastery: Shii-Cho, Soresu, Ataru

    Lightsabre Combat Learning: Makashi

    Transportation: Modified Delta-7B Aethersprite-Class Light Interceptor

    (A Disturbance in the Force, Crowe's Legacy)

    <Summary from before>

    Heart of the CSA, Ettiv-IV The heart of the CSA, Etti-IV. A four wide Golan-I Defense plus a shipyard and it's garrison. As the two sides engage, the CSA garrison fleet stood no match against the Home One Fleet. Once the fleet was eliminated, and starfighter superiority was establish, they made hast eliminating the remaining Golans and stations. Liberation of Deltooine Deltooine was liberated by the three Generals. Aerial superiority was established making CAS(Close Air Support) available to call in. Liberation of Etti-IV The Local Militia has sided with the CSA, no more we can do. Four X-Wings strafed along the way and eliminated their Shield Generator. With combined arms on both the Mechanized Units and Infantry Platoons, they swept through intersections and turbo laser defenses, bunker turrets, and their garrisoned army. Mostly if not all from the Clone Wars era. A B-Wing Bombing Run commenced eliminating the remainder of their army. Bombardment from a Capital Ship levelled a fortified place whilst the army rounded up the militia. Bonadan Next was Bonadan. The Home One fleet skirmished a forward patrol unit eliminating it swiftly. However, they encountered another Tagge Battlecruiser. Without a supporting fleet, and the establishment of starfighter superiority by the NR, the Battlecruiser stood no chance against it. It's liberation was rough as constant sandstorms were there. X-Wings were mostly used to soften to up for the ground army.

    Last stand at Ession Ession, the last CSA planet under her belt. Their last fleet garrisoned and Golan Platforms were destroyed by the Home One Fleet. (14:25); Their fleet and space stations were compressed into one another in a tight formation. As they lost the final Tagge Battlecruiser, the Home One fleet lost a Dauntless-Class. The Ground Army was supported by the Local Militias along with aerial superiority around the region. (23:21); The Shield Generator was swiftly destroyed. They advanced through the village areas and into their last HQ.

    Liberation of Lok Lok was dominated by a large pirate faction that suppress and oppress the natives. They had seized a Golan-I platform and a Venator-Class that was quickly destroyed by the Home One Fleet. Manaan Star Destroyers ambushed the Home One fleet as they arrived in the space of Manaan. (57:37); As the Home One took most of the damage, the rest slowly took out the Star Destroyers one by one. Knowing this, they tried to retreat but the NR fleet's CC-7700 Interdictor stopped them.


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