Captain Died In A Plane Crash! What He Sees In Heaven Will Inspire You! Near Death Experience | NDE

Captain Died In A Plane Crash! What He Sees In Heaven Will Inspire You! Near Death Experience | NDE

Captain Dale Black was the only survivor of a horrific airplane crash and my life has forever been changed. As a nineteen-year-old brash young pilot in flight training, I boarded a commuter airplane – full of cargo – with two other pilots. Just after take-off, we violently crashed into a cemetery’s seven story Air Mausoleum. Ironically it was dedicated to famous deceased pilots. The first witnesses to the crash site determined that all three of us were dead.

For three days I drifted in and out of a coma but not before taking an uncharted trip … to heaven. What I experienced there, words cannot do justice. Even the best words pale before the indescribable. You should know, however, that for many months following the crash, due to serious amnesia, I remembered nothing. Nothing of the crash, the 70-foot fall in a tangled mass of metal, the first three days in the hospital, nor my visit to heaven. At least, my mind did not remember. My heart? Well, that’s a different story.

I was assigned to Dr. Homer Graham, the β€œdoctor of the stars.” Best known as daredevil Evel Knievel’s surgeon. My injuries were massive, but when I awoke in the ICU, I was a changed man. Yet I had no memory as to why. It seemed as if I had been given new and STRENGTHENED eyes. I felt as if I were looking into another dimension. It was like watching a movie, then putting on special glasses and realizing that the movie I was watching all along was in 3-D. But when I awoke I was seeing way beyond 3-D. Everything was in, well, let’s just say, 5-D. A β€œfilter” that had seemingly been over my eyes since birth had somehow been removed. That was over forty years ago.

What I speak about now, is how and why my life was turned upside down. Why every major decision I’ve made since the accident was a direct result of my journey to heaven.

Some People dismiss near death experiences (NDE) as dreams or the hallucinations of a dying brain, people generally do not have the same kinds of hallucinations. In contrast, the descriptions of near-death experiences are remarkably consistent across culture and time. Many people do think when they do had their Near death Experience, they saw past life regression, out of body experience, angels, heaven, met jesus, afterlife and testimony of jesus e.t.c..

For more NDE narrations, please see below.

Women Who Lost A Son Didn’t Believe in God Until This NDE | Near Death Experience | suicide

So Different Than I Expected Near Death Experience| NDE

Man Died For 45 Minutes And Went Straight To Heavenly Realms – Near Death Experience

If you would like for us to narrate your personal near-death experiences, Please email us at : [email protected]
MUSIC: StoryBlocks/Audio Library
FOOTAGE licensed through StoryBlocks and Filmpac.
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Disclaimer: This video is taken from an interview by us and our channel, not taken from another channel, and it is all original content.

Captain Died In A Plane Crash! What He Sees In Heaven Will Inspire You! Near Death Experience | NDE


21 thoughts on “Captain Died In A Plane Crash! What He Sees In Heaven Will Inspire You! Near Death Experience | NDE”

  1. People have NDEs of Buddha, The golden plates, magicians, and aliens too… should we believe those stories are actual visions of reality?

    Or is it more reasonable that all NDEs can be boiled down to a rush of chemicals flooding the brain when it is dying and combining with strong fears, beliefs, and memories to make experiences that are later imperfectly recalled.

  2. So if you consider binary computer code is made up of ones and zeros, representing electrical impulses ……. and this then converts to computer programs, movies , VR WORLDS, and so on (all this made by simple humans too) ……. Perhaps, that is what he ventured into

    First thoughts, "I'm dead?? …… What was I taught about death??? …… Ohh yeah, Jesus, God, Heaven etc" …….. his VR world quickly assembles

    People will ask, what creates the computers????? …….. Cymatics, consciousness, perception, frequency, harmonics, math, vibrations, will, desire, fear, weird quantum stuff

    Guessing the answers somewhere in there

  3. I had no way to describe my NDE well…. the traveling through a tunnel through outer space! Like a worm hole out of my chest if you will, catapulting forward towards a bright light. It is real! I have now heard this from multiple other sources. It’s real. It is shocking to feel so validated now that I’m not crazy. I was having electrical system induced heart attacks from a untreated arrhythmia and I knew I was dying but God sent me back. I know that now to raise my new baby.

  4. You may not realize it Dale but we will all receive God's blessing. There is NO requirement. All will be forgiven in the next life. We've all come here to learn through good and bad deeds. There is no eternal hell. Have peace brothers and sisters knowing heaven awaits you no matter your creed. I love you all.

  5. Respectfully this man is mixing his personal religious views to his experience. Last days? heaven? everybody one way or another go to heaven. WHat are you teachen them? what is the rush? last days of what? I know a ton about all this but this man is just ….. so much nonsense. ;( He understood not much from his experience. So bizarre… I get it when people talk about Jesus its good. But when you touch buble and last days and teachings this is the end….. just a ton of BIAS

  6. Feels to much of preaching and not real NDE, not much of specific what he saw on heaven just some fillers. hard even to belave he had that experience. just saying… VERY STANGE STORY,

  7. I wonder if our own expectations shape our experience in the afterlife? What I've noticed is it seems as though some people see "heaven" as more Christian and Jesus based but many others don't mention religious iconography at all. Maybe we shape our own personal heaven based on our upbringing and personal beliefs.

  8. I wish I could speak to the man in the video πŸ₯ΊπŸ™πŸ•ŠοΈ I know he saw God I can feel it in my heart ❀️ please I need help with something I am struggling with, I won't take much of your time just please leave a comment here so I can ask you something I'm so scared of it's ruining my life πŸ˜” thank you in advance πŸ˜‡

  9. The concept of hell that some believe in is not a physical place, but rather a state of consciousness that could be described as "hellish." It is a place of low vibrational matter, where negative energies converge. Regardless of faith or lack thereof, any of us can find ourselves in this state of consciousness. However, it is important to note that very few souls actually experience this state. It is not a place that anyone is sent to against their will, and we all have the power to overcome it and return to a higher vibrational state by releasing negative energies and focusing on love and positivity.

    As beings of energy and light, we all have a soul vibration, which is the vibrational state of our energy. This state can rise or lower depending on our thoughts, feelings, intentions, and actions towards ourselves and others. Negative thoughts and emotions tend to lower our vibration, while positive feelings and emotions raise it. Each intention, feeling, and action we take throughout our lives will have an impact on our vibration, either raising or lowering it. It is important to be aware of our thoughts, feelings, and actions, as they can have a significant impact on our vibrational state and ultimately shape our experiences in life.

    On a scale of energy, for example, thoughts have a value of 1, intentions have a value of 2, feelings have a value of 3, and actions have a value of 4. This means that actions have the most energy, followed by feelings, intentions, and then thoughts. It is important to consider the energy of our thoughts, feelings, intentions, and actions, as they can all contribute to our vibrational state.

    During our time on this planet, our vibration can fluctuate up and down like a yoyo. If at the point of our bodily death, if our soul's vibrational state is too low, we may be attracted to lower dimensions of consciousness and entities, which can lead us to experience a state of consciousness that could be described as "hellish." This can happen if we die with negative emotions such as bitterness or anger, or if we have not forgiven ourselves or others. In order to avoid being drawn to lower vibrational states, it is important to work on maintaining a higher vibrational state through positive thoughts, feelings, intentions, and actions. By focusing on love, forgiveness, and positivity, we can help to raise our vibration and potentially experience a more positive transition after death.

    If you do find yourself in this difficult state, remember that help is available. You can get yourself out by releasing all the negativity and judgment that you held while on earth, then just looking up and focusing on the light above you to move towards it, as your focus increases the stronger it will come towards you and you to it, in soul form you get drawn to what you focus on, so if your focusing on a demon type entity, you get drawn to it in the hell consciousness, focus on the light above, it is always there, just look up.

    Failing this you just need to ask for help and it will be given, our angelic brothers will come to you, or the Jesus energy or source energy (God) and will enlighten you by telling you the same. Each of our experiences are unique for a reason, each in alignment with your beliefs or lack of. The creator Energy, whom you call god, is a being composed of pure love and acceptance, not a judgmental entity who decides whether you go to heaven or hell.

    Why do you think near-death experiences (NDEs) and hellish NDEs are unique? It is because, as a soul in human form, you have the power to manifest your experiences in both the 3rd dimension and higher dimensions, such as the 4th and 5th. This is the same reason why you are given free will – to have the ability to shape your own experiences and learning to grow.

  10. Enjoyed your experience, I saw a sun too: Decades ago, I unexpectedly had a very unusual experience where I met a sun-intelligence-God, after that I understood we are all one and that its consciousness is always silently present in each of us.

  11. 15:33 – if capt dale is family and same blood as jesus, that means there is more than 1 son of God. meaning john 3:16 made a false claim. psalm 2:7 hebrew translation also verifies another begotten son of God.

  12. That experience happened to me when I was 15 yrs of age after having pneumonia. I still to this day and 66 now. I still remember being above my body and still can not believe the beautiful music and angelic singing, the colours, communication was telepathy, I was in a library a building with columns books that were not books but records that when you open, it's like a live movie in front of you, go forward or back, and tell you everything, light beings of yellow gold , beautiful angels singing in a amphitheatre outside like a Roman, with angels and people singing music like you have never hear before.Then I was told I had to back and you just drop back into your body. I still makes me cry to this day thinking about it. Something happened to me being there, as I was never scared ever again ,had visits from spirit, some family and know things about others like it just pops into my head. God and spirit is inside us and leaving your body is everywhere.


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