Capitol police officer: I was slipping in people's blood during January 6 riot | January 6 hearing

Capitol Police Officer Caroline Edwards tells the House January 6th select committee how she recalls slipping in people’s blood during the insurrection. #january6 #CNN #News


42 thoughts on “Capitol police officer: I was slipping in people's blood during January 6 riot | January 6 hearing”

  1. "It's unfortunate that you had to defend the Capitol from fellow Americans."
    That must have hurt just as much as the physical injuries she sustained.
    America, what's happening to you?

  2. Really just exactly how much blood, at the very least couple gallons worth wouldn’t you say? About say enough for 6 dead people worth? U don’t have to answer we all agree up here the committee agrees….there was blood on the walls, on paintings, tapestry’s, AOC’s door (oh yeah not the same building lol). You people are unbelievable

  3. If I faulted the governments actions on t h is day, it would be that they waited too
    Long to bring in the National Guard. Bazaars didn’t have enough defenders . Had they called in the Virginia and Maryland National Guards, and even soldiers from nearby bases, Army, Air Force, Navy and any other groups to help defend the Capital and her people trapped inside.

  4. The fear and refusal to hold those accountable for their actions on this day tells me our democracy has already been sold. The fact that Trump is still encouraging this and people are following him tells me what's next is that Trump will be the first US King and tyrants running what used to be a free country. Goodbye to the land of the free. Greed and ignorance sold you.

  5. What, whoe's Blood . Officer Edwards, another weak link of the Capitol Hill police force brought before the the Jan 6 committee , to add mellow drama to the hearings.
    THis Video shows that the past present Capitol Hill's Police forces Affirmative Action hiring practices reach all way to the top of the Capitol Hill DEpt .
    I mean why were only what appears to be 6 officers assigned to holding a line against 100s . The Officers should have been withdrawn to a more defenseable line with reinforcements
    Also is it true Capitol Hill was warned weeks before the 6 Jan riots took place , that there was chance of the riots happening & nothing was done to bolster the Capitols defenses

  6. The real danger in the insurrection is that those people ( trumps) don't realize AND DONT WANT TO REALIZE AND ACCEPT THE TRUTH .AND ..what they have done,…they are truly ignorant to believed in TRUMPS LIES..MISINFORMATION, XENOPHOBIA WHITE SUPREMACY. ..

  7. How many female veterans rushed out of the safety of their apartment in a war free zone to be called back to service in operations protecting the United States interested in Iraq? Now those females lives on the street and are treated as dug addicts and hooker choosing that life. Your BA healthcare is a hoax. Why are females veterans for to attend the VA hospital where dozens of pictures of fully topless women are on open display at the welcome desk and I your fake domiciliary and your fake clinics? How is this equal opportunity to women? How are women getting housing being forcing to have sex with any make veteran and whoever comes along to get housing assistance. I did not join the military so I could be a sexually free for all for men. It's unchristian is an attack on all my civil rights my housing healthcare education promises ect. Stop cover up molesting and bullying wen FORCED to go through the VA VASH program to get housing because they are poor and or I'll injured ect and need help. Women who are illegal immigrants getting housing and I don't. Illegal immigrants get domiciliary and protection from sex trafficking but female homeless veterans do not. Stop victims bling and stop saying sexual harassment and sexual assault are not crimes. They are crimes against God. My body is the temple of the Holy Spirit. Don't you know sexual immortality is the only sin against body. Do not profane to temple of God. People protest in million over abortion but no one protest for molested female soldiers and or veterans. Sin had consequences and when you sexually terrorize women you create fear anxiety depression loss of quality of life and livelihood in the sexual victims. It's not a joke to molest women and no one seems to care.

  8. People go psycho over patriotism. Take a two cent flag down on the fourth of July and get called a communist and have the police. The policeman is a make veteran that never reads me my right. He just hollers grabs my arms cuffs me and keeps shoving me against his car. I keep saying that I handicapp and he is hurting me by shoving nonstop against my a neck and shoving my body. He starts mocking my disability. And all his cop friends show up telling me it's no big deal for male veterans at the VA to demand sex from homeless female veterans. The cops always tell me that it's not a crime to attack assault rape bully homeless women. The cops are Nazis. They don't believe in the Constitution except when it about them and bearing guns. The cops constantly violate ADA laws and no one cares. Their supervisor chief internal affairs mayor senator don't care. They like hookers and want anyone complaining to die. Bobett got her job after she met Ted Cruz as a hooker. They are all corrupt. No one stands for morality. I don't believe in flying a flag that is supposed to represent freedom while coercing homeless disabled females veterans to be a free for for anyone who want a to ride them. This country screams about abortion but God hates sex trafficking more. Read the bible hypocrites.

  9. I despise Trump but one can be two things at once – anti Trump and anti CCP – believe it or not. (My TRIBE is USA). Here is what is bothering me abt the Jan 6 hearings. Have watched very little of – but what Ive seen – feels like a 1970s Soviet style show trial – “show me the man and Ill find u a crime”. So Ive popped the hood on this Vaz 2101 and taken a look. I’ll Im seeing is the slimy paw of that nasty GENOCIDAL LiZZARD Xi and his band of CCP dung (CCP = IBLiS (they underwrote PUTiN’s WAR CRIMES brainwashed woke). How? Classic. Influence via $$ paid to a family member of a media elite. Guy running this is elite dude named James Goldstone former ABC executive. U don’t have to be CIA to know ABC = DiSNEY = CCP. Im seeing ard 25 mil paid by CCP agent to his wife for his services for the IBLiS. PELOSi’s office could tell u more. Give a shi- FBI / CIA? Seems not – which sucks for non elites – u know the other 99.9 percent of US citizens u swore to protect. One thing to miss 9/11 – but to spectate Sammie choke out by CCP media agents? WTF? Oh – and if my skills are so off – “hey GOLDSTON – u CCP who-e – SUE ME”.

  10. It's incredible how this monster trump could provoke this destruction. The followers need to realize he only cares to use them then throw them away, the only thing it's devoted to is itself.

  11. After all this, how many of these people are still going to vote and protect these hateful GOP animals and have the same morals and values they do. Don't let hate defind your choices in life. Nobody's perfect, I understand that but nobody should live in fear across America. Pass laws to lock Murderers, Traffickers and Rapists up for life without parole. Those that attacked the Capital should get 25 years automatically.

  12. I worked for the state Capitol for 10 years and our Capitol police and Seargeants were a constant presence that made us feel safe. When I saw the events unfolding on January 6th, I was in tears. I couldn’t believe what I was seeing. It broke my faith and shook me to my core. I can only begin to imagine what would have happened if Trump succeeded.

  13. Gee? Imagine if we spent this much effort catching and prosecuting people who burned down cities? NAH !!! They are mostly peacefully protesting! The Capitol Police which is larger than the City of Detroit's Police Department could not do the job!! Maybe they need to be replaced with Security Company?

  14. Guns should have been taken out and definitely shots fired would have been justified. I would have shot the loudest one who first aggressively grabbed the bike rack after telling them to "get back." The rest would have ran back plain and simple.

  15. I salute the paid protestors and the trumpets for taking it to the capitol insted of some stores and police stations like they did when covid i mean biological warfare first came about i mean how funny is it that people at the capitol were tracked down but these thugs looting and burning stores and police stations were free to do as will and not get tracked down hmmm i call that weird but lousy leaders have lousy followers on both sides but people being paid and not having a mind of there own even more dangerous its a pathetic world we live in and im sad to say im part of the human race well like now since you can be anything i think ill be trans alien screw all you divisive un civilized its ok to be different without hurting or killing eachother cant get along messed up humans lmfao i quit the human race lmfao may god or creator of life let yous live long on this wicked divisive planet


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