How the Iowa caucuses work

The Iowa caucuses mark the first contest in the 2024 presidential election. Ed O’Keefe explains how the system works.


32 thoughts on “How the Iowa caucuses work”

  1. Vivek Ramaswamy – Truth

    1. God is real.

    2. There are two genders.

    3. Human flourishing requires fossil fuels.

    4. Reverse racism is racism.

    5. An open border is no border.

    6. Parents determine the education of their children.

    7. The nuclear family is the greatest form of governance known to mankind.

    8. Capitalism lifts people up from poverty.

    9. There are three branches of the U.S. government, not four.

    10. The U.S. Constitution is the strongest guarantor of freedoms in history.

    His campaign site outlines Vivek’s 25 Policy Commitments to Take America First further than Trump.

    Revive American National Identity

    • Use the military, including drones, to secure our southern border

    • End affirmative action: repeal Lyndon Johnson’s executive order 11246

    • Protect American children: ban addictive social media under age 16 & gender confusion “care” for minors

    • Make political expression a civil right & end unlawful DEI indoctrination

    • Withhold federal funding for cities that refuse to protect Americans from violent crime

    Unleash the American Economy: Achieve >5% GDP Growth

    • Drill, frack & burn coal: abandon the climate cult & unshackle nuclear energy

    • Put Americans back to work: dismantle Lyndon Johnson’s failed “Great Society”

    • Incentivize trade schools over hollow college degrees (sorry, gender studies majors)

    • Launch deregulatory “Reagan 2.0” revolution: cut >75% headcount amongst U.S. regulators

    • Limit the U.S. Fed’s scope: stabilize the dollar & nothing more

    Declare Independence from Communist China

    • Hold the CCP accountable for Covid-19: use all financial levers

    • Achieve semiconductor independence: secure our modern way of life

    • Stop CCP affiliates from buying American land

    • Use our military to annihilate Mexican drug cartels: defend against the CCP’s opium war

    • Ban U.S. businesses from expanding in China until the CCP stops cheating

    Dismantle Managerial Bureaucracy

    • Shut down toxic government agencies: Dept of Education, FBI, IRS, and more (and rebuild from scratch when required)

    • End civil service protections for bureaucrats: 8-year term limits instead

    • Eliminate federal employee unions: repeal JFK’s executive order 10988

    • Move >75% of federal employees out of Washington D.C. & end pro-lazy “remote work” option

    • Cut wasteful expenditures: White House, not individual agencies, will submit budget requests to Congress

    End Weaponization of Government & Financial Markets

    • Pardon defendants of politicized prosecutions: Trump, Mackey, and peaceful Jan 6 protesters

    • Hold Congress accountable for “hush money” fund: taxpayers should not subsidize sexual misconduct

    • Publish the Jeffrey Epstein client list: government should not use police power to shield select elites

    • Rescind Biden’s ESG rule for retirement funds: get politics out of corporate America and capital markets

    • Oppose CBDCs: fight all plans for digital currency, a dangerous scheme for government control over our bank accounts

    Vivek's 2024 campaign website also has diagrams on how he will eliminate 75% of the federal government (50% by year one) and how he'll shift remaining groups into more effective agencies to begin to dismantle the establishment

  2. Honestly I’d love if each state could hold caucuses like Iowa. Voters actually have to show up and there’s something about seeing democracy in action and candidate selection that makes you feel that the system works.

    But I’m sure that even in this small state they run into many hurdles. Demanding this nation wide is impractical.

  3. The gop is in shambles , they ran a fake primary,as was the plan all along. The gop planned a primary season that didn't require answers to some super important questions about their candidate and his obvious problems, his inadequacy , his illegality, his inhumanity and repulsive personality, his obvious guilt and impending rape negotiations, his espionage, terrorism, obstruction of justice. His deteriorating mental and physical health.
    But it's the entire party , not just a few bad apples.


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