Canada: Future Super Power or Failing State?

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Canada is often forgotten as merely the United States’ non-offensive Northern neighbor. Canada is sometimes thought of as harmless, small, and insignificant, but there is much more to this country than meets the eye!

Canada is one of the largest, most energy rich, strategically located, and well connected countries on the planet. The potential Canada holds at its fingertips is immense, but now with international challenges to its domain by Russia, the United States, and other foreign powers, it all comes down to whether or not Canada will actually do something with that potential.

In today’s geopolitics video we are asking is Canada actually becoming a superpower? Is Justin Trudeau the right prime minister to lead Canada toward this future?

Canada’s success as an emerging superpower hinges in great part on its ability to foster important geopolitical foreign relations, not only with its superpower neighbor to the south, the United States, but also its fellow Anglosphere nations of Britain, Australia, and New Zealand, with whom it has already begun developing a CANZUK partnership which could prove to be Canada’s first step toward superpower status.

There is also the matter of Russia who, in addition to the ongoing conflict in Ukraine, has been encroaching upon Canadian waters in the Arctic in pursuit of valuable resources such as oil, gas, and more.

Canada has many challengers but also many partners in geopolitics, and its future comes down to how well it can play off these relationships while strengthening itself domestically.

Stay tuned for a new alternate history or geopolitics video next week!

0:00 Intro
0:14 Sponsorship
1:06 Overview of Canada’s Weaknesses
3:09 Canada’s Strengths
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45 thoughts on “Canada: Future Super Power or Failing State?”

  1. 2:48 is just political jargon for "we don't want to, or can't afford to, invest money into the military so we'll come up with some programs and plans to make it look like we are fixing things.". Meanwhile, half our combat vehicles are down, Textron is being sued for not supplying enough parts to keep the TAPVs running and our uniforms look like shit. But hey, we can dye our hair blue, wear pit vipers in uniform, and put our hands in our pockets. and chew gum.

  2. Except Canada is hopelessly divided between it's urban enclaves, who want nothing to do with its resources, or the international influence they would provide, and the people actually living with those resources, that profit them nothing so long as they are in the ground, and the French. The most likely scenario is the plains provinces seceding to join the United States, with the rest of Canada eventually following suit.

  3. So I had an idea. After English Parliament's victory and the execution of King Charles I the Monarchy was temporarily dismantled and in its place a Republic was declared known as the English Commonwealth. Though to be honest it was not really a Republic. Under Oliver Cromwell who held the title of Lord Protector of the Commonwealth he ran England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland as a Military Dictator. But before that he was actually offered the crown and did think quite seriously about becoming king before ultimately refusing.

    So what if in an alternate timeline, Oliver Cromwell became King?

  4. Now that the Charles is King I foresee the prairie provinces joining the US after Biden is kicked out, then the small ones in the east like Newfoundland. The rest, who cares? Their populations are too old to be worth having.

  5. Canada's not going anywhere good as long as Trudeau's circus is in charge. It's a quintessential American pastime to rag on our top hat but lately, it's not fun anymore. We don't really want to kick them while they're down…

  6. ‘’tremendous potential to be so much more than the US’s non-offensive neighbour’’

    I can see what standpoint this video will be from within 17 seconds

    And for the record, we already are.

  7. Canada’s been in an identity crisis since the 1960s, and nearly collapsed in 1985, yielding at least 5 new US states. It’s up to Canadians whether they want to be Canadian or American. They have the power to go either way.

  8. Western Canada will join the Nationalist US states after the civil war or separation.. The eastern provinces will become the nation of Quebec … And the Nationalist US along with Western Canada will become a huge energy power

  9. I've had a recent idea of a scenario involving the song dynasty in china, specifically the song dynasty;
    What if the song dynasty repelled the jurchens and mongols, and maybe developed an industrial base as a way to gain an edge over the mongol hordes?
    its pretty unrealistic for a nation with such a large labour force, but the thought won't leave my mind, and it seems like the most likely option for the time.

  10. Canada is going to get swallowed up eventually. Their "uniqueness" is too weak. They'll either dissolve or be absorbed by another country. The only thing keeping that from happening right now is big daddy U.S.A.

  11. As a Canadian living in the US, what I can say is that Canada lacks a secure national identity. The Canadian government in particular defines itself against the mirror of the US more than as its own cultural identity. Sure, Canada and the US are deeply tied and very, very culturally similar. Always have been. But Canada has defined itself as the little brother living in his much more famous and successful older brother right from the beginning. We took forever cutting the colonial apron strings simply because the US did it violently and it really upset Mother Britain. I say, "Get over it, fellow Beavers! We're the little brother, and we should be PROUD! We can get out under the Yankee shadow and just be proud of who we are!"

  12. I’m still confused how Trudeau hasn’t been cancelled for his dabbling in racist face painting time… like if literally anyone else did that they would never be able to show their face in public ever again. Yet somehow, most people seem to forget about it.

  13. Thing is, while the birth rate is low the immigration rate is as high as it’s ever been, Canada’s population is actually booming. And it’s somewhat of an issue because Canada lacks the infrastructure to support a lot more people.

    Russia is a non-factor, the Russo-Ukrainian War put that on display, Russia’s claims in the arctic are paper tiger threats. Russia is also on the verge of collapse so they might be out of the game altogether after Putin’s colossal fuck up in Ukraine.


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