Can You Solo FF14? – Heavensward's 20 HOUR Fight

20 Hours of prep just to squash 1 bug.
Solo Playlist
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0:00 Starting Heavensward
2:01 Upgrading WAR
3:47 Help Me
7:18 Dusk Vigil
12:34 Ravana
20:46 The Plan
23:08 One More Time

New season means a new description for this Final Fantasy XIV gameplay series wow haha. FFXIV gameplay or FF14 gameplay even. A FFXIV challenge run if you will. Solo FF14, even.

It’s great that I can just phone these in since no one will ever read this far down.

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24 thoughts on “Can You Solo FF14? – Heavensward's 20 HOUR Fight”

  1. there’s no way estinien ever showers. we saw him without his armor in the endwalker patches and those clothes were nasty.

    though I think he would make an exception for visiting aymeric and take a long bubble bath beforehand (but firmly deny it).

  2. I think its important to note that specifically for Heavensward, Quests only gate access to 4 and half of the zones (though you get 1.5 of them immediately). I discovered on leveling an alt that once you have western highlands you can actually walk to the forelands and half the hinterlands immediately. You get locked out of the second half by quest progress in Idyllshire and Churning mists and Azys Lla is purely quest access only, Notably, Hardsilver ore is on the side of the river you have access to in the hinterlands.

    This is all gone by Stormblood where zonelines all have gatekeepers and often multiple inside the zones themselves.

  3. small consideration, nin/rogue would probably help with item grinding considering mug has an added bonus of higher item drop chance!
    I hated farming out enemies in the HW areas, glad to finally see ya tackling the expac >:D

  4. My favorite conspiracy theory is that loud vacuum cleaners only exist because people don't think they're working correctly if they aren't loud. Same with soap, it doesn't actually have to bubble up to work effectively, but I like soap bubbles so they can stay.

  5. Honestly, Ravana would approve of your tenacity and rejoicing in the glory of combat. Only a true warrior would prepare for 20 hours to fight him.

    Excellent video, milord.

    Also I haven't remembered every detail of the self imposed rules for blue mage but I'm guessing you're not touching Basic Instinct for soloing dungeons? They're still relatively challenging when you go in spell level order and not have any of the higher level spells (which you're doing here naturally as a consequence of your video series)


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