Can You Beat Fallout 4 As Lucy MacLean?

Okie-Dokie. You all saw this one coming a mile away I am sure.


Lucy Preset:

Vault 33 Jumpsuit:

Select Blaster:

The twitter I forget to use:

2nd Channel:






30 thoughts on “Can You Beat Fallout 4 As Lucy MacLean?”

  1. I'd really like to see a vampire run of some kind. Obviously, it's possible in Skyrim, as this is something you can actually do, but in the Fallout Universe it's yet to be seen. I'm thinking traditional Vampire, no sunlight, eating people, and any other fun rules you can think of.

  2. Can you beat New Vegas while disguised?


    1. Get faction armor as soon as possible (presumably by killing Joe Cobb) and immediately put it on
    2. You always have to wear some kind of faction armor, which means no non-faction armor and no being naked

    Optional rules:

    a) you can only (or maybe even must) switch armor when you obtain a set from a different faction
    b) you can only use weapons most associated with your current faction (dynamite for Powder Gangers, energy weapons for BoS, melee and unarmed weapons for Legion, etc…)

  3. I Love the Frontier joke xD I also love the Frontier itself. Dunno why people shit on it so much. Be happy someone is trying to make something nice out of the beloved game, If you can't make dlc sized mod.

  4. There was a magi mod for Oblivion that allowed you, among other things, have a cheese golem , fire watermelons like magic missiles and spray your enemies with wine. If that still exists, maybe a food-combat themed run? You could be an Iron Chef!

  5. 10:45
    "Why did I not just tranq them and switch back to my bare hands to quickly finish the job? Um…"

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    YouTube is helping to brush over the fact that Nerbit forgot something; I just like the coincidence of the situation.

    Edit: Fixed wording, specifically auto-correct swapped 'switch' with "which" and I didn't realise until after posting this comment.

  6. Can you beat fallout new vegas as yes man? You have to say yes to everyone and you can only use the 9mm submachine gun and Gatling gun or the lazer rcw then after you upgrade the securitrons you can use missle and grenade launchers and get an auto healing perk

  7. Next: can you beat fallout (insert choice here) as solid snake? Or really any metal gear character. With how often he references metal gear you’d think he’d have done this already. And no, I don’t count the .32 revolver run


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