Can You Beat Borderlands 3 with Only Mail?

Returning to Borderlands 3, I did so with the help of the postal service and the fine folks at some questionable manufacturers. With them and not a single real world sponsor in sight, Moze fought her way through poverty and the difficulties of surviving mundane life in the Borderlands.

It also felt like a good excuse to finally getting around to the DLCs, and they were a mixed bag, but I’m glad to have done them. Overall, I think they were better than the base game storywise. Gameplaywise… I miss shields.

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37 thoughts on “Can You Beat Borderlands 3 with Only Mail?”

  1. Never stop posting, you give me so much dopamine making videos with a narration like this, you could make a cooking review talking like that and i would see 100% of the videos

  2. You’re crazy man… working for corpos in this economy. But man I respect your craziness, it’s inspiring enough to get me to do stuff I could only dream, and leads to you making great videos soooooo never stop being Crazy Spuddy!

  3. Jokes aside, that plot of gun corporations sponsoring Vault Hunters is much more interesting and funnier than the original game plot line.

  4. To my understanding, your second interpretation of Psychoreaver is the correct one: Psychoreaver is the representation of the madness that all Psychos in the Borderlands universe carry in their mind. However, Krieg managed to dissociate from it, creating two separate identities, one that would bear the onslaught of all the trauma, pain and psychosis, and another who would retain whatever humanity was left within him.

    It's important to keep in mind that the psycho madness is heavily implied to not be a naturally occuring mental condition, but rather something that was originally caused by prolonged exposure to the eridian ruins on Pandora that has since somehow started to spread.

  5. Tediore reloads used to be awesome. Unfortunately they trivialized Arms Race when it came out (the right common grade pistol or smg could carry you). Thus, they got nerfed to their current state.

  6. Man, I feel like I should finish the Bounty of Blood before I go watching things that are gonna spoil the ending of it. But gods above that dlc just drags along so slowly. It's just like a western movie. Slow, boring, unoriginal, and honeslty the lowest quality shit of all time. 0/10 dlc


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