Prophecy Update | September 2022 | Keeping Watch – Brett Meador

When speaking to His disciples about the Last Days in Matthew 25:13, Jesus implores us to keep watch. As we watch for indications of His return in our September 2022 Prophecy Update, we see how global events, unrest, and the potential coming collapse of economies and nations, may all be happening to usher in the End Times and fulfill prophecy.


Welcome to Athey Creek Christian Fellowship, based in West Linn, Oregon! Join us in-person or online as we work our way through the Bible verse by verse, chapter by chapter, book by book. We like to keep things simple by focusing on Godโ€™s Word and its application to our daily lives. Whether itโ€™s through weekly teachings, monthly Prophecy Updates, or a host of other resources and events, we are passionate about sharing Biblical truth. For more information, subscribe to our YouTube Channel at and check out our website at


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00:00 โ€“ Teaching Intro
12:48 โ€“ Trouble Around The Globe
21:29 โ€“ Is Europe On The Verge Of Collapse
28:24 โ€“ The World Economy
48:22 โ€“ Eye On Israel And The Middle East
01:02:53 โ€“ Divided States Of America



31 thoughts on “Prophecy Update | September 2022 | Keeping Watch – Brett Meador”

  1. Prepare, it's biblical.
    Global financial collapse fall of 22.
    VATICAN orders all their global assets to be sold and funds returned to Vatican vaults by SEPT 30 ,as they r FIREWALLED OFF from the global system.
    it's much worse than Brett let's on, Europe to lead the way.
    Adapt 2030 and
    Southern prepper 1

  2. We can't wake christ with dust called good and evil Stories just feed by judgment good or evil never wake christ mind in all man, religion's don't teach you are Christ journeys as man scattered when ADAM was put to sleep in creations good awake in Heaven, sleep does blind you searching for your home, no one lost is asleep and scattered. Read this and ask yourself. We will take a simple little verse and show you why it is not addressed to the natural man, Ecclesiastes 3:15: โ€œThat which is, already has been; that which is to be, already has been; and God seeks what has been driven away.โ€ The โ€œnatural manโ€ cannot grasp that, for to him reality is based only on the evidence of the senses. The man of reason could justify the verseโ€™s end, saying if it has any meaning then the writer must mean recurrence. The sun comes every day and the moon completes its cycle and the seasons come and go. If we took a picture of the universe today, the scientists can compute how long it will take to return to this point in the picture. So the intellectual man could justify the verse; but that is not what is meant, for it is addressed not to the man of reason or the man of sense, but to the man of Imagination. What is it all about? โ€œThat which is, already has been; that which is to be, already has been, and God seeks what has been driven away.โ€

  3. Lots of hints explaining win race then you have last day under the sun that never ends it repeats DUST both good and evil story repeatsm Eternal truth never began or ending, Even the starts of Imaginations was called created by Name God plural ONE, first creation was only GOOD awake, then what caused evil still awake not scattered from being ONE ADAM still Awake or put to sleep for good and evil keeps man searching DUST. You have power you need no man waking Christ in you no religion no god outside yourself which always has war creating peace, doubt always looks outside.
    Wake up yourself being Christ mind thatc Eternal truth, no death, fear, judgements, etc…..

  4. I just love watching his teachings! I don't agree with a lot of his politics, but that's ok.
    My grandson is a lot like him. Of course he doesn't even know him. Dillain Potter is his 4th cousin. But the similarities are amazing!
    The sports, to actions and the list goes on.

  5. At 14:00 pastor Brett argues that Matthew 24 must be speaking about โ€œall the world,โ€ but the things mentioned do not support world wide events. The gospel being preached in all the world (KJV) means โ€œinhabited earthโ€ or Roman Empire. The same Greek phrase is used by Luke about โ€œall the worldโ€ being taxed at the time of Jesuโ€™s birth. But this is not the globe, itโ€™s the world at that time. The gospel was preached outside of Israel as Paul did, then the end of the temple came.

    Mat 24 indicates that it was a local event because the disciples were told to flee Jerusalem. Eusebius, the first church historian, reports that this happened.

    Jesus said that the very stones the Disciples were pointing at were going to be cast down.

    Jesus says that all the things he spoke were to happen in his generation. Mat 24:34. And it did.

    The sun turning dark and moon to blood are both symbolic of great political powers falling (see Isa. 13, regarding the fall of Babylon), but it also reflects local effects on the sky when great cities burn. Like a forest fire the sun is darkened and the moon turns red. This also happened when Jerusalem burned.

    Jesus did not promise to return in Mat. 24, he said that he would come on the clouds in judgment, just like Yahweh did in the fall of the first temple (Jer. 4:13-18). Mathew 24 says that it is the โ€œsignโ€ of the Son of Man that will be seen, that is, the heavenly signs of the darkened sun, etc. (Josephus, an eye witness, lists many others, The Jewish War 6:3:5), that signify the destruction of the temple on earth.

    The fall of the temple proclaimed in unmistakable terms the shift from the Old Covenant to Jesus as the new temple and New Covenant. The cross proclaimed it, 40 years were given to establish it. Then the temple fell. Zachariah 13:8, Mat 24:3.

    What we should be looking forward to today is the continued refinement and salvation of Israel. Zachariah 13:9. The great commission continues. Discipleship is the future.

    It is really great that pastor Brett preaches this last part. We continue to work toward unity in the details.

    The great blessing in seeing Mat 24 as fulfilled prophesy is that 1) it strongly supports Christ as a true prophet and 2) it places the judgement of Israel in the past, so we look forward to her redemption in the future.

  6. We are so blessed by your teaching. Found you during the pandemic and have been listening faithfully and are working through your study of Revelation. We live in NJ and attend a small Missionary Alliance Church and are pleased to be serving GODS people โœ๏ธ

  7. 'Somebody' (standing at the UN podium not verylong back) very wisely told/warned the Germans exactly where they were headed, energy wise, with all their woke antics, and shutting down coal and nuclear power stations, etc (and with potentials in the wings like what is happening now with Russian supplied gas), and the stupid clowns all fell over themselves, chortling, and sniggering, and giggling, laughing at him. No, they are not laughing anymore (…just the same as all the mockers, and scoffers, and 'winkers of the eye', etc – and presently wearying us with all their blasphemous comebacks, re our faith in our "Magical Sky Daddy", etc – who's mirth and hilarity is going to come to a very sudden silencing, …SOON).
    So many absolute clowns in the world now, ….and who don't even know (have no idea) that they have joined the circus.

  8. I had a professor tell me that all the prophecies in the Bible aren't real because they were written AFTER they happened, and Revelation is all about the Roman Empire! So thankful for Pastor Brett to help teach me the truth and not be corrupted by the anti-God college I go to.

  9. Let me tell you something, I am very cautious about these end time preachers and teachers and people on YouTube and what have you, so many people capitalizing on these end days and so I have become a bit critical and very cautious… Praise God for the discernment he has given me because what I see is so many lies but this guy right here, I like him.. I just love the way he delivers it he doesn't try to terrorize your soul I don't get a sense of him trying to capitalize on anything… He's very down to earth and he lines everything up with the word of God.. I like him.. ๐ŸŒน

  10. Watch and pray to be counted worthy to escape all thesethings that will come on the earth Luke 21 v 34 to 36 and Revelation 3 v10 please read Norma from Australia ๐Ÿ˜ƒ ๐Ÿ™ ๐Ÿ™ ๐Ÿ™ โค

  11. The new Lord of the Rings series has main characters that were made gay and bad reviews led to the comments box closed/stopped
    Even non Christians are becoming LBGTQ fatigued- it everywhere like this is the most important issue followed by climate change -global warming
    God bless yโ€™all
    <><๐Ÿ™โœ๏ธ = โค๏ธ๐Ÿ˜€โ˜ฎ๏ธ

  12. All of you are out line. Israel is 12 tribes. Judah ate the so called African Americans. Judgements are coming because of what Japheth and Ham has done to his people. If you want to watch Israel, watch "African Americans"

  13. I like the way you said youโ€™re showing others what the scriptures say regarding these days, to get them excited and not to scare them.
    I immediately thought back to my childhood as we waited for the bus. Mom would often have one of us on watch for the school bus. The rest of us would be eating or playing then came the cry – โ€œThe bus is coming!!!โ€
    Mom would shift to frantic push to get all 5 of us out the door to catch the bus

  14. The mark of the beast system is almost ready. Iโ€™m seeing it everywhere. Gas stations are all moving to โ€œTap to Payโ€ and now Amazon one, pay by hand. Itโ€™s moving quickly. 2020 was a major catalyst moving technology forward. And in 2.5 yrs we all use โ€œcontact free payโ€ so this new system is almost ready.

  15. Contrary to what Pastors & others believe, we are in the 5th Seal waiting for the 6th seal to be opened and in the Tribulation now and there is the proof by Jesus himself and John who wrote the book of Revelation.

    Matthew 24:29-31

    29 [Immediately after the tribulation of those days] shall the [sun be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light, and the stars shall fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens shall be shaken:] 6th seal opened.

    30 And then shall appear the sign of the Son of man in heaven: and then shall all the tribes of the earth mourn, and they shall see the Son of man coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory.

    31 And he shall send his angels with a great sound of a trumpet, and they shall gather together his elect from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other.

    There is also proof in Revelation 7 John saw this in Heaven

    Revelation 7:9 9 After this I beheld, and, lo, a great multitude, which no man could number, of all nations, and kindreds, and people, and tongues, stood before the throne, and before the Lamb, clothed with white robes, and palms in their hands;

    Revelation 7:13-17 13 And one of the elders answered, saying unto me, What are these which are arrayed in white robes? and whence came they?

    14 And I said unto him, Sir, thou knowest. And he said to me, [These are they which came out of great tribulation], and have washed their robes, and made them white in the blood of the Lamb.

    15 Therefore are they before the throne of God, and serve him day and night in his temple: and he that sitteth on the throne shall dwell among them.

    16 They shall hunger no more, neither thirst anymore; neither shall the sun light on them, nor any heat.

    17 For the Lamb which is in the midst of the throne shall feed them, and shall lead them unto living fountains of waters: and God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes.

    This is after the 6th Seal, 7th Seal yet before the wrath of God falls on those left behind.

    I have written a book called Bible Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth by S. L. Krueger Check it out on Google for the truth right from the word of God. Holy Bible K.J.V.

  16. I see over and over, those who say we are not going to know when, so it is wrong to try to predict it. But why would Jesus say to watch. Sure we may not know the day or hour, but why not know the year, and the season? And why not be alert, and be anticipating the Lord's return?

  17. If you are reading this, will you pray for my sister Catherine?
    Praise be to God!
    A few months ago, she was in ICU with congestive heart failure and respiratory acidosis.
    She is home now but improved greatly.
    However, she is still over 300 pounds, struggles with nicotine cravings and I believe she is unsaved.
    She is angry and bitter in her heart.
    Ask our Lord to bring her to salvation and also to give her guidance for how to lose weight.
    And ask Him to help me to be patient and kind.
    Thank you, beloved!
    Blessed be the Holy One of Israel.

  18. I'm Catholic, and in case your viewers aren't aware of it, you may be interested in knowing that virtually all the orthodox Catholic podcasters also think that we are in the end times. Although Protestants and Catholics don't line up on theology, Protestants and Catholics (traditional, orthodox Catholics, that is) and evangelical Protestants are in virtual lockstep on moral issues. Of course, we still stick to the indissolubility of marriage and the inherent immorality of contraception, but there's a schism developing in the Catholic Church in Germany over that, and many orthodox thinkers even say that our pope is a modernist heretic following in the steps of the Freemasons (yes, popes can be heretics). So ignore those German bishops behind the curtain!
    But what I most appreciate about you is that you always deliver a well-thought-out message, you never exaggerate, and you always identify facts as facts and differentiate facts from probabilities and speculations. And at times you even go so far as to utter the three words that others almost never say, "I don't know". Plus, your analysis of geopolitical events and their ties to the Bible are extremely well-informed and make a whole lot of sense!
    BTW, although I'm Catholic, I deeply appreciate many Protestant pastors. My favorites are Dr. John Tweedie and the late Irvin Baxter — and YOU! And if I were half as good a man as Billy Graham, I'd be ten times better than I am now.
    God bless you guys!


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